Okay so I’m taking two AP classes this year, APUSH and AP Bio. APUSH isn’t great but I can deal. AP Bio on the other hand….I H A T E my teacher, this class is like a class without a teacher and when he does show up its like I’ve been put on a “what would you do” episode where my teacher goes schizo. I’m not exaggerating on this, once we went a full hour using “microscopes” to look closely at a “petre dish”. I’m using quotation marks because our microscopes where AIR and our dishes were also AIR. WE SAT AT TABLES LOOKING INTO NON EXISTENT MICROSCOPES AT NON EXISTANT PETRE DISHES FOR 1 HOUR. He started asking what color we saw and yelled at a kid for not taking the “cap” off. He also thinks he’s a full on celeberty, he makes his students sign up times to ask simple questions like “what did I miss when I was sick”. He keeps randomly dancing and calls over the Spanish teacher across the hall to dance with him. If my biology teacher is having an affair, it’s with the male Spanish teacher across the hall. The worst part of biology is that he told my mom he thinks I’m autistic…b!tch, he has also recommended I take ADHD medications. I can’t with this class.

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