Acceptance v.s. Balance (Style)
Acceptance functions attempt to “accept” things; Thought accepts the outer environment and how the individual reacts with their environment. Fear accepts or rejects the inner fears, in Fi being insecurities and in Fe being trust.
Balance functions attempt to “balance” things; Control balances others and oneself, and Stability balances how your mind reacts to events.
Acceptance enters the person and balance exits the person.
Inner v.s. Outer (Nature)
Even though Inner v.s. Outer and Internal v.s. External might seem similar, especially since they are used interchangeably when talking about function types (like in EA), they are not the same. Inner functions explain how you react to objects/events, externally or internally, Outer functions explain how you react to subjects/interaction, also externally or internally.
Each FUNCTION TYPE (ex.: the S in Si) is based on these two dichotomies: IA = Fear, EA = Thought, IB = Stability, EB = Control
Internal v.s. External (Position)
Internal Functions are manifested internally/subjectively and with oneself, External Functions are manifesting externally/objectively and with others.
Internal Inner Acceptance (IIA) = Fi
External Inner Acceptance (EIA) = Fe
Internal Outer Acceptance (IEA) = Ti
External Outer Acceptance (EEA) = Te
Internal Inner Balance (IIB) = Si
External Inner Balance (EIB) = Se
Internal Outer Balance (IEB) = Ci
External Outer Balance (EEB) = Ce
Copied from a Baernals doc i never released ^_^
baernals yap session #1.5 - dichotomies
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