need opinions on this horror story I'm writing

I have an idea for a story called carcass, it's about a kid who's been abused by his parents and the parents killed his dog, and because the dog was his only friend, the kid tried desperately to revive his dog. The kid tried surgery and even witchcraft which lead the dog to become brutally deformed, unreasonably even tries to use his own skin and blood, leading to many more surgery and witchcraft, followed by a ritual to sacrifice soul to bring back his dog's carcass to life. Due to rituals and witch, the soul of the dog has been trapped, and the sacrifice of the child's soul was force fed to the soul of the dog, leaving the child to become deformed himself yet still trying to bring back the life of the carcass, creates a whole cult of soulless deformed humans who's souls gotten torn apart to be also force fed to the dog's soul. The main characters are just a family that will in the end, sacrifice their child to open the gates of hell using her soul, to end the misery of all souls trapped and demented, in the end only one soul goes to heaven, obviously being the dog. Just asking if this sounds alright, would like some opinions before discussing with my editor.

14 Kudos


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Nickol's profile picture

Me parece buena idea, creo que deberias empezar a trabajar en eso

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<Shad_w!☾'s profile picture


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mitty's profile picture

totally publish it here if you end up writing this!!!! (depending on spaceheys violent content rules... it should be fine)

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720p's profile picture

you should do it, i think its a good idea and fun to read

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xxPawlinaPoisonxx 's profile picture

OMG!! s0unds k3wl 4s h3ll!!

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thx alot, you're really k3wl btw

by Lunak3n; ; Report

thx ! x3

by xxPawlinaPoisonxx; ; Report


Val's profile picture

It sounds really interesting, it would definitely be something I would like to read

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omg thank yu, you seem really cool btw

by Lunak3n; ; Report

BunBun~ (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠``⁠*⁠)

BunBun~ (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠``⁠*⁠)'s profile picture

Sounds so interesting, but, how the child attract people to his cult? That's a question I had

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the cult is rather made forcefully, and all members no longer contain their souls, all members are victims of the ritual of their soul being torn apart for food

by Lunak3n; ; Report


Mattheo.exe's profile picture

It left me slightly terrified and precisely for that reason it is something that arouses my interest, it sounds very good

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appreciate your honesty, thank you, love your aesthetic

by Lunak3n; ; Report