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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

The Craziest Dream I've Ever Had

I'm sure most people reading this can think of at least 1 weird dream they've had in their lives. Personally, I've had plenty of crazy dreams throughout my life from being at a mall in a glass elevator looking down at a jelly bean fountain (the very first one I can remember having at the age of 4) to the one I had last night where I was randomly at a Macy's in my pajamas on a Friday evening after school. 

However, there is one particular dream that really sticks out to me and was by far the wackiest dream I've ever had throughout my 17 years of life. It happened on Friday, June 2nd, 2017. I came home from school early because I was sick that day (probably with bronchitis or viral pneumonia or something) and was running a fever. I took a nap that evening and that's when the dream occurred.

It all started with me being in the back alley of the apartment building I had lived in from birth - age 6. I remember walking towards the dumpster where there was a strange yellowish brown wall behind it for some reason before a random fire started in that dumpster as I was approaching it. I then turned around and some of my dolls were having a conversation with each other. I slowly walked up to them, with a blanket over my shoulders and my sore, aching muscles, hoping I'd be able to join in on their conversation, though I could hardly understand what they were even saying to each other. However, they ignored me. So I ended up walking back towards the dumpster which had previously spontaneously combusted, saw a brick wall to my right just melting, and then I suddenly saw myself standing between 2 solid gray walls which had appeared out of nowhere as those walls came closer and closer until I'm completely trapped in a box.

Inside of this box, was a place that can only be described as "the void of nothingness". I didn't know what was happening and wanted to escape this void of nothingness, but nothing I tried worked as the only thing inside of it was static.

A few minutes later, the void of nothingness disappears and I end up at Downtown Disney for some strange reason. I was walking around there when I saw some ducks in a wooden pen and a wooden sign saying "please do not feed the animals". I saw that there were plenty of yellow seeds within the enclosure. Then of course, I walk back towards the benches and was this person in a Tinkerbell costume, who had tried grabbing my attention. And so, the friendly person walks around the park with me and asks me a few questions. 

I woke up after that part of the dream hot, sweaty, and achy. I was still exhausted, but I couldn't get back to sleep even though I tried to.

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two's profile picture

dude thats crazy, sounds so vivid 2, i frigin love dreams so much its kinda like nighttime thought and memory brain acid trip i wonder how ur brain even came up w/ that sounds like bein sick had a lot to do w/ it lmao

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AlesaDarling's profile picture

Pretty much every year I have the same dream at least once.
In the dream I've committed some crime and I'm sent to an experimental prison located in a giant Canyon, there are no guards We Are Walled in by the canyon and provided Food weekly. And every dream all of my fellow prisoners are different eventually we all sort of form a community, we fall in love and have kids. But on one of the food drops they also bring in a new prisoner he is the only person that stays the same every time I have the dream. Whenever he arrives to the prison I am flooded with fear and wake up. It's probably the strangest dream I've ever had and even stranger that I have it almost every year.

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you have to go to the grand canyon

by Chloe; ; Report

and commit a crime

by KRISsoup; ; Report