
How do u doxx someone

Or like find their other acc w js 1 social

Its for a good cause I swear

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LOL whats their @

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I dont have any other social of theirs but except for fb

TL;DR he has been stalking my friend since the first month of school eww

I'm not close with them either or have any way to conact them irl but he's rlly a weirdo and creep, he stalked my friend for the first few days of the school year and js said "I LOVE YOU MARRY ME" even though they have never met eachother at that time or has my friend have been aware of his existance before that

whats weirder that he stalked my friend and tracked down my classmates to ask them where does he usually sit and where is he at that moment before he did what I said above

my friend also caught him with my other friend about to hit on (more or harass I think like what he did to my friend) another student, he has been reported and I have a feeling that there have been reports before and after that event but I don't think the school has said anything abt it idk if they did anything tho

but recently I saw him talking to our teachers (he is a grade level lower than me and my friends) what really got me uncomfortable is that he had a convo with our advisor logically he shouldn't even know her since our teacher has and the other teacher that he has made verbal contact with has absolutely no business with him or the grade he is in and I see him calling my friend's name before we go in our class (we are not let in the classroom if the teacher is not there yet) and standing near the railings spectating and searching for said friend in the crowd from above since like the 2nd or 3rd week of this month or so

I js wanna drive him away bro idk if he's younger there is a chance he's like possibly autistic js undiagnosed (my friend told me that idk if he's fr or not) or under influence of substances or any other reason if there is not he kinda deserves to be kicked in the head

by Articulo Mortis; ; Report

Me and my friend js reported him

Turns out he does have a mental disorder but idk if that changes the case

But the school now has more info abt him now and it is true that he has record of harassing others

I don't think I need to doxx him to make him stop now but if it continues i will update u (do u even read this lololololol)

by Articulo Mortis; ; Report