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Category: Writing and Poetry

KiBLS Poetry - Creative power of thoughts

A poem written by KiBLS
Title: Creative power of thoughts

Creative power of thoughts

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6 Kudos


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Evelin Miller Fictionkin

Evelin Miller Fictionkin's profile picture

Dude, You're amazing at poetry! Some day, I bet you could be famous!

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Well, most poets only become famous after they have passed away. Let's hope it happens a little sooner for me :P :D hehe... thanks very much for the nice feedback and have a great day/evening :)

by KiBLS; ; Report


Clara 's profile picture

Inspired. Love this! :)

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Yes, on the poem had more than 5000 upvotes and was shared countless times. Thank you that I received at least 2 kudos from you and of course for your feedback :)

by KiBLS; ; Report

Wow that is so commendable! Excellent.
Yes, I don't always manage to read all the work you post, but I appreciate it and will make a point with the kudos.
Do you post your work on busier sites like Instagram/Twitter/Facebook ? you would get a much wider audience than here. :)

by Clara; ; Report

I love the subtle message in it, showing that we alone have the choice and power to change things for the better, and not to feel a victim/helpless. I think it would be encouraging on certain websites as with people that may be suffering with depression - or in a psychologist's waiting room! little notes of inspiration :)

by Clara; ; Report

Yes, I'm registered on Facebook, but I don't post actively there. I recently started on Twitter and on Instagram I was blocked after 3 days because I violated some terms of use with my poems. They also blocked my Threads account without a single post :D lol... since I expect the same fate on facebook, I don't even really start there... what's the point of being shadow banned or having my whole account deleted if I work there for weeks and months and then lose my account because of a critical vaccination poem or because of something else... nowadays everything that's not up to three on the trees is a right-wing extremist :D lol...

Well, but that's what they don't want - helping people with poems is just nonsense from their viewport. You can only do that with vaccinations or medication! Everything else is humbug *sarcasm off* :P :D lol...

Anyway, on i have reached 8k Followers and so mayn reactions from so many people but it is now 5 years ago when i used the account the last time... it was just too many comments and chats to answer for me as a single person... so I kind of pulled myself back... also writing poems and develop a website was not possible with such a big account which is really time consuming... here on spacehy it is becoming similar now with a little difference; most users are just searching any chatpartner and wasting my time with nonsense questions like; what is your favourite holiday or your favourite color and after answering those bullshit questions they do not reply anymore... well... maybe these are AI accounts... i am not sure, but anyway... when i reached 6k friends here i will switch over to twitter for a while I guess... :D lol...

by KiBLS; ; Report

Ah right, yes I can understand that - the algorithms - too much of anything and they lock you out of your account (on FB) that happened to me a couple of weeks ago for 'liking' too many pages ? now I can't like any, but I can 'follow' it's all becoming rather ridiculous with the rules and regulations, generally. Can't even have freedom of speech anymore without consequences...
Regarding the chat on here, I don't think it's AI - yet! but as you're probably aware, the site is mainly used by youngsters/many children so that's why you're getting those shallow questions like what's your favourite colour Lol So yeah, thanks for your detailed explanation :)

And by the way, I'm Not Vaxed! lol

by Clara; ; Report

Yay, the second unvaccinated person I've met here :D lol... I'm serious. Everyone else is tired all the time, has tons of side effects where he complains but sees no connection to the vaccination because it's a safe product...

Yes, although I've also chatted with 13-year-olds here where I didn't feel like I was chatting with a child.... luckily there are also exceptions. But yes; our youth is generally lost :D lol... and of course I didn't let myself be injected with that crap either... how brainless someone has to be to be injected with such toxic garbage and nonsense just because the TV or any other clown say so :D lol...

by KiBLS; ; Report