SO uhmmm i was at my swim meet right. AND i went to swim my first race. On the last lap of my race, my arms and legs started feeling weak and hard to move. I finished my race and got out of the pool. I felt so dizzy and my legs felt weird so i went over to my sister and her friends and i went over to the walls to stand and my legs stopped working and i fell to the ground. THEN ppl took me to a bench and layed me down to try and get me warm. THEN, hol up lemme summarize this real quick. SO basically. I went into an ambulence and was transported to the hospital, i left later that night after they took some samples of my blood, then the next morning woke up and was sent to the e.R an hour away from us. then was admitted to another hopsital later that night. I was in the hospital for 4 days and they dont know what caused it. Also, i had zero feeling in my legs for a good 4 hours. I gained feeling back but my legs hurt SO BAD. My arms were week too. NOW IM PROUD TO SAY! IM FINE AGAIN AND CAN FEEL ALL MY BODY PARTS!

OH MY DAYS- Swim mishap no.2
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