Nunu's profile picture

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Category: Life



That is what comes to mind as I type this out. Especially because, one word..Myspace, which is now "spacehey", to be frank, kinda will take a min to get use to. But, with creating this profile, and uploading photos and editing my profile with codes to find that one layout to my liking. I remember how excited I got from when one of my older sisters had edited my myspace profile, and added kelly clarkson's song, "Since You Been Gone". Which was one of my favorite songs as a little girl lol. Thinking back now, it was simpler times. my loved ones all alive and well, and I had the world of myspace to escape to when anything got to overwhelming in my life. Anyways, props to creators of SpaceHey, totally way more cooler than facebook, I mean, can facebook add music to their page without it being taken down just because you didn't put or mentioned "I do not own the rights to this song"? Exactly. Im excited to have joined spacehey,  It really does take me back and puts me in my feels lol. 


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Jane Doe

Jane Doe's profile picture

I totally agree!! I haven't figured out how to add music to my page yet. Lol but just being able to have that option is cool.

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Thank you! i tried to post how to do it but for some reason the code won't show up on here, go on the blog page and there's a blogger there that shared how to do it step by step, its so cool lol

by Nunu; ; Report

Ok thank you for the help.

by Jane Doe; ; Report