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Category: Blogging

Diary Entry 41

Dear Diary,

          They pulled me into a meeting at work because of my terrible lack of communications and calls over the phone…. They pulled me into the meeting and played my voice out loud…. And hearing my voice was unbearable and to make matters worse they played it out loud to a room of 4 other people literally kill me just kill me end my life this is the most pathetic most embarrassing day of my fucking life, I will never recover from this!!!

          I have terrible anxiety and even worse social skills!! I try but I just can’t get any better at talking to people!!!! They made me a fucking example of what not to do to a room of people!!!1!!1!1!! And to make matters worse I could lose my fucking job just because I’m bad at talking to people!!!!! THATS SHOULDNT EVEN BE PART OF THE JOB!!! IM A CASHIER!!!! I WANT TO DIE JUST KILL ME END MY SUFFERING!!!1!1!!1!!!1!1!!

Sincerely, Miki

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