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Category: Writing and Poetry

KiBLS Poetry - Ascent from the depths

A poem written by KiBLS
Title: Ascent from the depths

Ascent from the depths

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Clara 's profile picture

I strongly relate to these words! and hoping the darkness leaves me alone for a while... had a lot of bad luck, and made a few bad choices in the past. Been down for too long now... So I have to live in hope! Poignant words.
I enjoy your inspiring writes :)

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Hm, in that sense there are no bad decisions. only situations that happen to us again and again and from which we can or should learn. If, for example, as a woman you repeatedly come across a bully or a macho man or an alcoholic, then it happens again and again until you learn to pay attention to certain things that are important to you. To do this, you have to get to know yourself better and question your own intentions. Do I want this or do I want that, what do you want and once the goal is defined, the path will follow itself. It doesn't matter if you take one or two detours, but as long as you have your goal in front of your eyes, you can't completely lose the path. To put it metaphorically. Otherwise, thanks as always for the great feedback and have a great day/evening :)

by KiBLS; ; Report