Peace Candle Spell (the stoner witch way lol.)

Hello there I am Spider Haven!
This spell,is a spell that needs supervision :)

you will need,
your favorite incense
1 whitecandle (this can be any white candle. a tealight, taper, chime/spell, or prayer candle. Even birthday candles work, to preform a spell.)
casting oil, or lavender essential Oil (this will help your herbs stick ontothe candle.)
Lemon Balm
Fire safe dish and holder(IMPORTANT!)
toothpick (to carve into candle)
Moonstone,obsideon, Aventurine (to proote healing amongstyour peace)
1.light your favorite incense, and relax.
Put the candle in your hands, and relax.. this spell is to bring notonly peace, but calmness as well.. Lets your energy charge the candle.

2. take your toothpick, and etch your peaceful intentions onto the candle. and runes. (this can be different for some people. so im not going to tell you guys what rune to put onto candle..)

3. Grind up your herbs (lemon balm and lavender). It important to not leave your dry herbs TOO BIG on a candle, as the moreflamable they can be. Put the ground up herbs, on a plate, and distrubate them across the plate. (you can sprinkle your salt onto the plate as well. )

4. Now it is time to put the oil, on your candle. Or whatis known, as anointing. Ad your casting OIl, or Essential oil onto your candle,and with your finger, draw the oil toward yourself. do not direct the oil outward, unless this spell is being cast for someone else.
(great! now your candle is ready for the herbs!)
5.Take your candle, and slowly pat it onto the herbs on the plate, moving its a little bit, until it is covered decently.

6. Set your candle onto a fire safe plate, and set your (optional) crystals, or peaceful offerings around the plate, and ignite your candle.

7. Focus your energy on the candle, and the peace you desire to feel. You may even say your prayers, if you have them, toward your spelled candle.

I recommend to do whatever you find peaceful as this candle burns. Like medititaition, writing, listening to music, anything that keeps your inner peace, at ease..

Please, DO NOT leave candles, especially with dry herbs, and oil on them, not with in your view.
(((DISCLAIMER, I am just sharing how i do a simple peace spell, and also just someone online.. Have fun, and be safe!)))

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