I don't know why I'm the way that I am
Maybe I'm missing something from the days of porn watched
Chasing that next dopamine fix of pressure or love
It changes my vision
It's powerful stuff
The pointless swipes on dating apps, multiple profiles made
All to find that lucky squeeze
But would they really be lucky?
Would they really be lucky with a manlet goblin who can barely hold on to his own
Messages from my mother left unheard because I'm as dense as a blackhole
Sucking up information everyday yet I still don't know the meaning
It's not like the conversations I have over dinner or in the car
Asking what am I doing wrong
Or what am I not doing to feel complete in the spiral of this thing called life
Why can't I push myself to become better
I say I have the keys yet I fail to turn them
This life is really pointless
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