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The Times I Got So High I Past Life Regressed

This has happened twice - once a few months ago and more recently last night.

It's no secret that I'm a huge stoner. I started doing edibles when I was roughly 17 (maybe 18?) and since June I've been smoking weed regularly. Nothing really happens - I just stop being mentally ill and stop masking my autism (I also get giggly and mellow but who doesn't???). 


One day about a year ago, I think, I decided to take more edible than I usually did and lock myself in my room and chill. I decided to put on some music and dimmed my LEDs making my room just a generally chill vibe. I was listening to Same Person, Same Old Mistakes by Tame Impala (one of my go to musicians when getting high) and closed my eyes, kind of dancing while still sitting in my bed. As I moved, I felt myself getting higher, and then... I don't even know how to describe it without sounding like I was 

tripping on acid (I wasn't - the edibles had been made by my parents from marijuana they grew). Suddenly, it was like I was astral projecting. I could see myself moving, and it was like some "footage" was spliced in. On occasion, my bedroom and my actual body would flicker to something else. The room wasn't my room anymore - it had black walls, my window disappears and was replaced with a desk. By the desk was a pile of CDs and records. The walls were covered in posters of bands and musicians from the 70s and 80s, and clothes were scattered across the floor.

But that wasn't the most jarring part. My body would change, and instead of me was a guy around my age with ling curly black hair, piercing, and he was lanky. He wore different clothes, too. Yet, somehow, I still recognized him as me. Subconsciously I knew he was me, but at the same time he wasn't.

Then the song ended, and I opened my eyes to just my bedroom. I looked down and saw my own body. The high was wearing off, and I just sat alone wondering who the hell I just saw.

I tried to recreate it a few times. I'd eat a large edible, turn down my lights, and put on the same song. Nothing ever happened. I never saw him or the bedroom again. I couldn't recreate whatever happened

Until yesterday (1/22/2024) it happened again. I was returning to college today and I knew it would be my last time to smoke for a while, so I set a simple goal for myself - smoke so much weed it felt like my face was melting. I think I smoked around 3 bowls back to back, and I had accomplished my goal - I was absolutely stoned.

 Once again, I decided to put on some music and turned on my LEDs (side note - if you're a stoner LED lights and fade 7 is pure magic). That nights music of choice was Pink Floyd, another go to band for getting high. And once again, I let myself sway to the music. My favorite song by Pink Floyd, Learning to Fly came on, but it effected me in a way it never had before.

I could visualize that guy again, and I could see... I dunno... mini flashbacks? I could see concerts, smell cigarette and weed smoke, the bedroom, and driving in a car with another guy I couldn't quite make out. I also had these... feelings about this guys life. Like a gut feeling. He liked leather jackets. I could feel that his life ended short in a horrible way - either self infliction, sickness, or killed. He was in his early-mid 20s in the mid-late 80s (I'm 20 btw. Born 2003) and that's around when he passed.

When the song ended, I've never pulled up my phones notes faster. I quickly wrote down everything I could remember. I want to know who this guy is. Maybe he was me in a past life (which is where my gut is pulling me), maybe it's some weird astral projection, or maybe it's just an overactive imagination. I would love to hear anyone else's thoughts or feelings. I hope to maybe get a name one day or something. I'm not sure.

2 Kudos


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