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Category: Books and Stories

Winterverse - Chapter 2 "Try to settle"






Directly 2 hours after the fight, Dream found himself hiding up above. His body trembling, shaking the objects around him. Usually Dream wasn't this shake-y, but with all the negative emotions it was impossible NOT to shake. He kept cringing, trying to force 'positive emotions' upon himself. Everytime he tried, he was just met with more backlash from the energy swirling inside him. The negative emotions of this place were similar to a pot-luck, and Nightmare was just feasting on it.

He calmed down just a little bit, now looking around his surroundings. His eyes adjusted to the bright light blazing past his eyes, but it was soft, like the glow of something nice. He could observe the dust particles dancing around, moving with just the smallest motions. This cracked a smile on his face, cracking his eyes to match his face. He looked around more, seeing the huge window behind him, seeing the mattress next to him. It was about queen-size-ish, croqueted blankets folded on it. The blankets were blue, with sharp sun designs plastered all over them. Even the stitches somehow looked like suns, which just like everything he's saw, gave him a little surprise. The rest of the room seemed to be built like a triangle, only now looking up to see a equally of size triangle roof above his head. All of it made him surprised. Gosh he was just running out of things to be surprised by.

Was this a cabin? He thought to himself, before stupidly taking it back. Of course this place was a cabin. Everything was made out of wood, except for the kitchen and accent wall behind the destroyed/broken TV (He wasn't sure if that TV even worked in the first place). The furniture reminded him of those winter-get-aways that you could book online. And there was even a dip in the floor where the living room was! Now if that wasn't a Cabin then I guess Dream just didn't know what a cabin was.

As Dream cowered to himself in self-ignorance, he saw a little head poking up. First it was just the forehead, then came the sparkly-stared eyes and constant smiling mouth with the little Ink-blotch to the right side. He physically prepared himself to get jumped on, tumbling out of the way as Ink slid next to him. His face crashing into the sparkly mahog wood flooring. Quickly he got up, patting off his clothing and looking at Dream.

"Hi Dream!" Ink said with pure-radiant joy. This factor calmed Dream down more. Believing it or not if Ink was actually giving off emotion. Ink looked like he was itching to get something off his back, not just metaphorically either, Ink was literally scratching his back while staring at Dream. "So, uh, the- uhhh... hh..... baaaddddd guyysss?" He said with a questioning tone, scooching closer, "They uh, claimed some rooms." Waving his hands around, he pressed his back against the wall.

"Anddd... all the rooms on the first floor.. are taken.."

"What are you trying to say?" Dream asked.

"We have to share.... this one!" Ink pointed to the room they were in. Could this even be considered a room? The only surrounding walls was just the roof, and it had NO door. The only sort of thing it had as protection was a flimsy railing going until the latter. [I'm gonna post what I mean on my tumblr, so don't worry]. He jumped up on the mattress, sprawling out.

"Why don't you just sleep on the couch?" Dream asked again. He wasn't sure if he wanted to share a bed with Ink, knowing that he was a rough sleeper.

"The couch is broken!" He then jumped from the bed, to hanging over the railing, pointing to the split-in-half couch. That couch looked awful, stuffing and bedding from inside was torn out and splattered against the ground like a crime scene. Its springs sticking out like ribcage bones.

Dream sneared, appearing next to Ink in a jiffy. Ink was right without even saying anything more, that couch was not fit to sleep on! Dream wouldn't even wish his worst enemies to sleep on the couch, and thats saying something, because Dream was sure his worst enemy wanted him to sleep on that couch. Dream then turned his body to Ink. "I guess, we must share this room then."

"GREAT!!" Ink shouted, jumping back to the bed, wrapping himself in the nicely folded coquetted blankets. Dream was sorta impressed with how fast he did that, but also annoyed, as the perfectly folded blankets with no creases were now creased and not folded. But now he could see the star pattern more clearly, some starts seemed to resemble constellations. Other stars were just randomly strung about. Though.. Dream's eyes glossed over to one croqueted star constellation, his eyes squinting like he was remembering something of importance. The constellation was in the shape of an apple, but weird looking spiked popped out of it, almost curvy shaped.

He looked away, back down at the ground level, wondering of sorts what the other were doing.



Located in the first room you were introduced in, Error was smiling while stitching something on his bed. His legs were folded into a criss-cross, and he seemed hard-at-work on something. Peaking over his shoulder, you can see the doll he is working on. It sort of resembles Fresh, just with a little purple spot poking out from behind his small glasses. The more and more Error sewed, the more it seemed something was bothering him. Oh, thats right! There was not a single voice talking to him. Constantly. A voice that constantly asked him things, things he could respond to outloud. He couldn't hear it, any of it. And that made him feel very lonely.

Oh so lonely. And the lonely-er he got, the more paranoid he was. Stifling in fear as he stared down the parasite sleeping across from him. He hated that thing, he hated it. Even if it did make him feel a tad less lonely, he still hated it. He hated how it talked, how it walked, what it was. The very practicing thought of it existing gave him the heebie-jeebies. I could destroy that thing right now. Error thought to himself, raising his hand out of pure muscle-memory.

But at the same time, he felt the voices would be very unpleased if he killed the thing right here and now. Maybe they would stop talking to him if he did that, was he okay if they stopped talking to him? No. He wouldn't be and he wasn't. But that didn't mean his mind didn't curate different ways to kill it. Error could string it up and just punch it, but that would spike his haphephobia. dirty... slimey... creature of the abyss... He could also blast it to pieces with his blasters, leaving only a spot of dust. Even then Error did think that wouldn't kill it. WHAT IF IT WAS IMMORTAL???? A sudden thought rushed through his scattered head, eyes shaking. Glitches blasting his body simultaneously dropping the plushie into his lap.

Even in Fresh's sleep, he was manipulating Error. 




The parasite rolled over in his sleep, getting a sudden vision.

In his head, Fresh was dressed with his old clothes. Colorblock hoodie, purple sweater, orange shorts- you remember it.

In this worlds distance, stood an immensely bright figure. A bright, white-starlike light that got closer with every passing second.

And soon enough it was right Infront of Fresh, two wobbly shaped arms sticking out.

Fresh looked at them weirdly, gawking as he was wrapped into a blistering hug.

They could feel their host burning around themself, screaming in pure agony while the thing pulled Fresh closer in advance to it finally letting him go.

He fell backwards, seemingly to fall endlessly. The figure seemed to appear next to him, falling down with him.

This time it had long brown hair, with random strips of red and yellow mixed in. Its faced still completely blurred by the pure heat and sun radiating off of it.

Its hands were now more defined, coated with jewelry from many different regions.

It grabbed onto Fresh's clothes, burning them by just the touch. It seemed to speak something inaudible

And with that, it went away.

hitting the ground, he jolted up from his bed. 




Killed stomped his foot, crossing his arms and squinting. His determination tears wiped onto his sleeves he grumpily looked at Dust.

"WHY. Do you get a room." He shouted, "And, why do I have to share with HIM." He then angrily pointed at Horror. Horror was just smiling, thinking to himself about how this was gonna be awesomeee.... he could already tell from just this little skirmish.

Dust wasn't responding, giving him a look of - 'You know why, stop asking'. Killer just wasn't taking that though, dishing out one of his arms to point at Dust. "How about this, you share the room with Horror, I get a room to myself." He proposed that like a good idea, like he wouldn't have a trashed room in just a few minutes. Dust knew somebody had to keep him in line, and what better person to do that than Horror. Horror had a messy room at times, but kept it clean atleast twice a month. And even then his room just wasn't that bad. Killers room though.. was trashed. It was shocking that he could even sustain life in that room.

I mean, it practically looked like a room devoid of any air circulation. Air-dust didn't float at all, it was just, stagnant. Not to mention the bloodstains literally everywhere. And what were they from??? Killer would never explain. The only thing he took care of was his remaining cat. He brushed it, fed it, gave it water. But oh that poor cat. That room was just horrible. Dust sometimes questioned whether he should get animal control [Nighmare] to take care of it. Remembering what happened to the last cat though, he decided against it.

Dust shrugged, sinking back. "I'm not switching with you Killer." He would say, tucking his hands back into his pockets. "Nightmare told me I could have this room, he specifically picked that room for you two."

"Now you're taking orders from Nightmare? I thought you didn't like him." Killer said in a snotty way, cramming his arm back to his chest.

If you could see Dust's eyes, they drooped. Tiredly wanting this to be over. "I don't like him, but I'm not changing my room."

Killer furrowed his brows, frowning [>:/]. "Just be nice to me for once and changeeee!!!"


"Why NOT"

"Because I said no."

"Thats not a reason."

"Yes it is."

"No its not."



And like that the conversation was over, Dust slinking back into his room.

Killer stuck his hand out, trying to grab onto the back of Dust's jacket. But Dust was literally gone by the time he did that, looking back at Horror. He put a hand up to Horror's face, and glided into their room.

End notes:


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