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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

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By the power of my almighty mystic soul, I hereby call forth the strength of the fallen and wounded! Oh spellbound enchantress of the midnight sky, tranquility fall bewitched and chaos reign eternal!

My name is Willow Aphelion, throughout my conquests upon the mortal plane I have gathered wisdom id like to share. After roaming the continents for thousands of years, I enclose here my findings. I am the ruler of Southern Witchatopia and the long reigning Witch of Chaos. I grew up on the planet Syredonix, capital city of Eighphis to my mother and father, Elaine and Mari Aphelion, alongside my elder sister Nym. I am a warrior at heart, such is the rest of the Mystic race.


The powers of divine Light and The Darkness are the two balancing forces of the universe. Mortal enemies in theory, though one will never exist in absence of the other. The same can be said with life and death, peace and chaosโ€ฆ completely Juxtaposed ideations.

When one envisions light magic, the mind is drawn to an aspect of tranquility, of love, of cleansing nature. Light magic is pure, often soft and kind. Though without darkness, light will dominateโ€ฆ and throw everything out of balance. Dark beings cease to exist, heaven and hell collapse. Chaos reigns, no matter the missing component. As The Great Witch of Chaos, I know far better than anyoneโ€ฆ

Where magical imbalance comes to rise, chaos ensues and death will soon follow.

For all to continue to thrive, there must first and foremost be order.

A sword is only as strong as the hands that wield it. A weapon is only as capable as its user. No matter how powerful the weapon, if you cannot harness that power, it looses its effect automatically.

There are no dangerous weapons, only dangerous beings.

In the hands of an elite, even a simple dagger can provide. Never focus on how strong you can enchant your blade, focus on how hard you can train your vessel. If you do just that, you will become unstoppable. Make it so that in absence of a weapon in dire situations, you can still hold your own and prove your strength to your opponents on the field.


If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them. If they stand against you, show them no mercy.

Honour your allies, shield your followers, and show your opponents the grave mistake they made the day they challenged you.

Your followers look to you with respect, admiration. Having taken them under your wing, it is your sworn responsibility to care for and to protect these beings.

Your allies are your partners in crime, the people who stand beside you in the face of peril. If you do not pay your respects to their bravery, you may end up doing more harm than good. Honour those who choose to fight by your side.

Your enemies deserve no second chance, no mercy. You need to be strong in the face of danger, not allowing yourself to become soft. Some people are beyond aid, you must recognise and weaponise this.



3 Kudos


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