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Category: Blogging

Diary Entry 40

Dear Diary,

          It's been another terrible day for the girl who can't talk to others because she is so overwhelmingly terrified of speaking. I hope I get to practice talking more in the future, people are very scary. I struggle going grocery shopping, eating out, and booking appointments because I know I have to speak to humans to get around in this world. I wish there was a way I could stay in my room forever and never get to speak to anyone for the rest of my life. Being an ugly loser failure girl is pretty easy I think, its nice to be alone probably. I mean atleast I have 1 whole entire friend!!! She is always so busy with her own life and work that I feel like I rarely get to talk to her!!!! I hope we get to hang out again, she is the only person I can talk. Even if it is really hard to talk to her and I stumble my words and get really nervous!!!

sincerely, Miki

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Eros's profile picture

what the hell

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