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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Why American Psycho is a great Comedy // warning: my english is awful and this is extense

First of all, four small things that you should know before start reading this.

•You're a lovely human being for read this :D (not manipulation ;)

•My english is awful.

• I'm talking about a movie, obviously I will say some spoiler.

•If you're a sigma that considers Patrick Bateman as the most perfect and unique representation of masculinity and you think that American Psycho is the story of a perfect men who brillaint even due his own insanity, you're free to leave and watch the movie again for count the amount of times that Patrick cries, has a panic attack or acts like a kid, One example? The beginning of the movie when he says that's he's on the verge of tears thinking that maybe his table is not as good as the rest (one of my favorites scenes).

Now we can keep going.

I consider American Psycho a great comedy movie for a lot points, I like to write a lot, so this is going to be quite extense maybe.

When I first saw the movie, I thought it was going to be a serious thriller of a psychopath who can manage his own bloodlust, like a "Taxi Driver", like some kind of rich Travis Buckler. But my theory was totally wrong, and I noticed with the example that I mentioned before and the whole skincare routine that ended up with Patrick saying his "I'm simply not there" stuff, being interrupted by "Walking on Sunshine" in a hilarious way, not to mention that he's hearing that song while walking with his "badass" face. 

The whole movie itself is a whole parody about how wasted Patrick's head is, but not in a cool and controled way as some kind of Hannibal Lecter, he's just a spoiled rich guy that doesn't have a single truly friend and that kills without even thinking it too much and then cries about it whenever he notices how alone he truly is (mostly when he's high) and has panic attacks very often. The only thing that stops him is feeling loved, even in the slightlest, even if it cames from Luis Carruthers, if he feels a bit of that for some reason he won't kill you because the whole atmosphere of his life is almost as empty as he is.

That would be a drama right? But we don't care about it because Christian Bale's acting is like in the gold time of the parody cinema, where whenever you wanted to make a parody, you should put a serious drama actor because the character wouldn't notice the stupidity of the situation or the exaggeration of it, that's my greateast point of this. That technique is one of the most important things in the movie, Christian Bale's acting is what makes us connect a bit with Patrick but in a small quantity so we can keep laughing about him because of how ridiculous he is actually, because of how ridiculous he looks when he's at the middle of that probably imaginary shooting with the police, since he simply goes to cry on an elevator as a kid after a whole disaster. Or how ridiculous Patrick is whenever he tries to share his interest about murder with his friends. Or how easily he can get mad for a small detail as a new business card that looks different or better than his.

American Psycho is not a sigma movie, is a comedy about how pathetic and ridiculous can rich people get once their whole life, friends and work, are as empty as they feel inside.

Damn, right?

I should talk about the book, but maybe other day. 

If you read all of that, I can guarantee you that you're lovely or a utterly insane guy that can't get a reservation at Dorsia.

If you don't mind, I have to return some videotapes...

9 Kudos


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Irlfunnyman!!'s profile picture

Finaly i saw someone saying this, this is a reason bc i love American phsyco 🙏

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Fuck all the sigma community, long live to Patrick girly pop Bateman

by Fallen_Soldier_; ; Report


LuckyStarx33's profile picture

Real, i consider Patrick Bateman so iconic in the comic sense

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Yeah, I mean, Christian Bale describes him as a ridiculous alien, that means a lot.

by Fallen_Soldier_; ; Report


Fallen_Soldier_'s profile picture

Just me saying my dumb stuff :P

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