Growing out of the school years

Never has class of 2003 by mitski felt more palatable then now, 

Growing up psychologically was never an issue, being older then "your age", but when you are the age humans always thended to tell you you seem like, you do not longer feel special, and you just become, old, expected to behave certain ways.

It's not that this is new territory, but knowing that people will never see you in that marvelous light that they saw young you talking your mind out when little, now when telling the same things it does not have the same impact no matter what you're talking about.

I thought about how I ruined the relationship that that kid could have had with her mother, I think about the day that her family will day constantly, on how all the laughter from the classroom and the runs troigh the cold air from the gym to the school will only be echoes, I look at every action of everyday already through a sad nostalgic lense.At every person and every interaction that they have with one another, I'm wondering if they ask the same when looking around them, when turning their head and seeing their aquintances carelessly living, when looking at the person next to them.

Are they satisfied? Do they feel angry? Anxious? At ease? 

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