y'know, something that i often wonder about is how alternate universes are like. we are so used to our reality that anything else outside of it seems like a totally distant, feverous concept. but, in other universes, such abstraction is something normal, day-to-day life. hell, are days even a concept in alternate universes? what about communication? would beings even have a physical body? are there even creatures that populate such places? they could be something totally abstract to the human mind...we'll never know howthings in contrasting realities work, and that's fascinating to me
alternate universes
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If you're really interested in the subject, look up Cosmological Natural Selection. The idea is that black holes function as a universe's reproduction mechanism, with a new universe coming out of another "side" - into another dimension of reality.
The implication here is that our universe may have also come from a black hole of an older universe, and the big bang was that universe's black hole expelling its matter into our dimension.
Much like mutations seen across the evolution of organic species, the laws of each universe may differ ( differing speed of light, laws of gravity, etc. ), and it is the one with stable laws that survive while others simply collapse upon birth. Just a hypothesis, but fun to think about.
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That's so real, like what kind of person would I be if all these little differences happened throughout my life that didn't happen in this one? I think if we had alternate versions of ourselves in different realities we would never know who they were. One change leads to another leads to another etc :)
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the idea of alternate universes is so cool to me like sometimes it makes me feel odd because like i wish my Current life was the life of that possible alternate universe but either way i think it is such a cool concept and the possibiltiies r so endless
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by s4bt00nz_inactive; ; Report