The Train Station

The train passes every day

Every day at the same time

Every day the same way

But why?

What's the point of spending every day at the same time in the same place?

Who is inside it?

Why always here?

Where is he going?

Is it a good place?

I wanted to get on the train..?


The train isn't mine

It's not my season

I didn't know where he's going or what his intentions are

Will I get into it?

What will happen if I join?

If something bad happens

I can't get into it

I can't get out of here

Why am I stuck at a train station?

Why specifically a train station?

A train you can't even get on

But what if I'm the one who doesn't want to go in?

What if I'm the one who doesn't want to leave here?

It's so comforting to know exactly what's going to happen

Every day at the same time

Without fail

I don't really want to leave the station

What if the train stops coming one day?

It would be exciting to see something new here.

But not

Nothing happens

Nothing new

The train passes again

It's a new day.

0 Kudos


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