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Category: Life

another late night entry :P

Animated Rainbow Nyan Cat[ listening to... we've only just begun by carpenters ]

so basically today was pretty uneventful... i mean it was friday so classes were shorter!

i can't relax yet COMPLETELY cuz i have rehearsal tmrw ( i said yesterday lol) and as a result i wasn't really in the mood to play sims 4. oh yeh i can't watch reruns of the young riders on tv tomorrow cuz my rehearsal doesnt end until 5pm and it airs at like 1pm. but i dont really care this week cause they're at teh part where they're wrapping up the 3rd season and they're gonna start it all over next week which is good news for me cuz school has me SOOOO distracted i have NOT been able to watch past season 1 AT ALL and i am so sad cuz i've been into this show since THANKSGIVING BREAK!!! omg... i knew i should have watched it as soon as my friend told me about it during the summer. but i dont watch much western stuff so i THOUGHT it wouldn't be all that. And I ended up starting it on the LAST FEW DAYS OF THANKSGIVING BREAK....... RIGHT B4 FINALS!! and then i had to go on vacay w my family the entire winter break which was rlly fun but i couldnt watch TYR cause i was abroad so it wouldnt have even allowed me to watch it (i know the eps r on youtube but honestly im kinda deaf so i need those subtitles on freevee)

i KNOW IM CAPABLE OF WATCHING THE ENTIRE THING!!! even if i have freevee!! cuz i did the SAME THING when i was watching The X-files. Well. i watched it right up to the beginning of the 4th season cause school started and i got no time for watching it.... same thing! TYR is only 3 seasons!!

.....yknow actually maybe if i stopped procrastinating i'd have time to watch things lol

so i've decided that i'm gonna do ALL MY HOMEWORK on saturday night!! hoping that helps thingss........ well actually its cause on sunday i'm going out with friends and i DO NOT WANT TO THINK about "oh nooo! i have so much english homework ;(" while I am out with friends. soo yeah. homework tomorrow lol.

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