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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

shopping ^w^

had a little girl's day out today with my mum and my older sisters :3

we were all getting our eyes checked at specsavers and we had to do grocery shopping so we went to our nearest shopping center ♥ we ended up spending like... five hours there, granted specsavers did take like an hour and a half to get all four of us sorted. my sisters were hungry after we were done so we went to go get sushi hub :3 and then we all got boosts >w< i got my fav flavour mango tango, my eldest sister got a lychee one and my other sister got the new special (i think limited?) honeycomb heaven, i forgot what my mum got tho.. 

anyway we had to go to big W next which was conveniently right behind the boost thing, my mum wanted to get some shorts and i think my sister was looking for trackies so while they were looking me and sister 1 went to explore (directly to the book section) she kept complaining about how her back hurt but idk what she expected me to do about it so i just ignored her 9_9 i saw a couple books i had heard about and might want to read but they were a bit more expensive and im pretty sure ik where to get them cheaper if i want. we spent most of the time looking at the shitty tiktok books but i saw babel there so i got that :3 will read it eventually like... atleast before next year maybe 

after big W was done we went to head over to rivers (after a quick and useless stop and jeansweats (?)) to look at some clothes (because im apparently too picky and cant complain about not having any clothes if i don't look at them (which isn't my fault because i don't like any of the clothes at those types of shops (or anything in general))) but we took a quick stop at clearance king ..  they had some pretty interesting stuff in there and a big ass table full of perfumes for 5$ each *w* i got two that i thought smelt pretty nice (something called 'black rose' and 'pink so, love' and i actually just realised there from the same brand :3) sister 2 got some perfume too and i picked out a cologne for my papa since my parents' anniversary is coming up

rivers was pretty uninteresting ,, i needed some new school shoes but the ones they had weren't my style so my mum bought a shirt and sister 1 got a belt and we went to spendless where i just got a pair of runners and those buckle up leather school shoes :D

we could finally go to aldi to do grocery shopping (which we usually do at a store closer to home)  and by this time i think we were all a bit delusional and spastic so it was definitely a weirder shop than usual... although we do tend to appear a bit cray cray to others in public i think lmao i caught this lady looking kinda nastily at us when me and my mum were breaking into a bit of a fit            (* °ヮ° *)

getting to the end of the shop, when we were packing all our stuff into our bags, sister 2 went to get my papa some sushi (he had been waiting the entire time since we had left for lunch... 5 hours ...) and when she came back me and sister 1 went to bakers delight for treats!!!! i got a choc chip finger bun (which i ate immediately) and a mud choc scone (which i was supposed to save for later (like tomorrow (i ate it an hour ago))) so then we could finally go home!!! Oh and i also got a new backpack for school cuz my current one is like a bit too large for my liking ^w^ ♥♥♥

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