random thing ive noticed about the recent RE movies

like about a week ago i introduced my friend into the world RE movies (not the 90s one, but soon :P) and although they make me laugh at how unbelievably dramatic or how CORNY some of there lines are, i can tell that the company that does make the movies dont really care for the lore/characters of resident evil.

!!!like usual, spoilers may be ahead, read at ur own risk!!!

which my hypothesis shouldnt be anything new, i think any like die-hard RE fan can tell that the recent animated movies or even the shows have FLOPPED hard. i remember when infinite darkness came out i was SO excited because claire crumbs!!! but actually watching it... ive never felt more glad to finish a show more in my life.ย 

the same thing with vendetta, even though it is one of my fav movies (mostly in the comfort aspect and its just plain goofy with its whole dramatic fight scenes... like leon is the only mf to drive a motorcycle into a elevator and a hallway.) i can just tell that they def did it for a cash grab....

death island felt like it had a passion, but it was just soooooo CORNY!!!!! like incredibly corny. but i will give it the fact that it is way better than the ones they produced. (couGH damnation and degeneration COugH)

again another short blurb... fingers where acting up today so this is all i got!!! tootles :P

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