completely unsure if it's because im on firefox with ublock origin (<--SPECIFICALLY) and the Stylus+Palettes for Tumblr extensions but that website just doesnt seem to work well on the laptop anymore. like why is this happening. did they do something against ublock origin too or are the staff members tweaking stuff in a way that's messing up the ability to have the reblog thing even appear/open.
hyperonline complaint sure, but it's just annoying. i dont really recall tumblr having this issue on the desktop til just this month. not sure if it happened much in the past bc i dont really remember AND because i had a years long hiatus between most of the changes. i do remember that the tumblr mobile website (i will never use the app, it overheats my phone) had this EXACT issue with the reblogging stuff. i dont really remember it struggling w bouncing between the For You to Following tabs/dashboard but yeah why are they doing this again it's just not fun on top of knowing that the staff are/has some pretty questionable people on it. and the tag censorship thing they pulled a monthish ago.
unrelated, but i havent been reading as much books lately. miserable. it's only been screens and the worst part is that the past twoish days ive spent my downtime at the laptop staring at the screen for youtube. it's just kind of miserable because it becomes the same. drawing isnt really that fun anymore. lots of things arent that appealing to me. i dont know why. i dont get out as much as i used to. i like in person classes over online because i get to interact and meet more people. arrgggh! haha
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