I finally found a comic I've been looking for (old Motions hair care promotional comic).

I was beginning to think it was some sort of a fever dream...

I was 8 or 9 at the time, and while my twin sister and I were out shopping with our mom, we decided to go to the hair care store. It was one of those hair care stores that be in the rundown shopping plazas; probably sandwiched between a now defunct cub foods store and an equally as defunct Dots clothing. Anyway, they had free comics for a new Motions product that was made to make dyed hair color look more vibrant that was loosely based off of the story of Cinderella. Being a little kid at the time, I didn't care about haircare. I DID care about comics though! So, of course I took one home with me.

I don't recall what happened to that comic, but I remember looking at it so much, pages started to wear and fall out. Mom probably threw it away at some point, or I left it at my aunt's house... Anyway, fast forward a little over a decade. I enjoy collecting comics now, and wanted to see if I could find this particular one. But when I couldn't find anything about it anywhere online, I quickly became discouraged. I couldn't even remember what it was called to be honest.

While sitting down today looking for new ideas for a photoshoot I can do in gtaonline, I came across an image that got me thinking about that comic again. I tried the old search I did before while checking all search engines. Nothing! Buuuuuuut, I did find an old forum post on a haircare board from 2003 talking about how the Motions website "finally took down those offensive comics." Okay, now I had conformation that yes: these comics did exist, and yes: some people do remember them (and looking back, some of the slang in these comics were atrocious LOL).

I knew I needed an original url to search in the wayback machine now. So, while searching I finally found the old parent site url. I loaded it up in the wayback machine, then checked captures from 2002. From there I found the old tie in site for motions haircare. It took a little while to find a page that loaded (the site ran on flash), but I eventually found the comic, (as well as two others, and separate uncredited artwork, which refused to load at all). It's called "Bling Bling Baby!" 

(https://web.archive.org/web/20030203224106/http://www.motionshair.com/comicBook4.htm) <----- the archived link if anyone is interested.


I tried to use google image search to further track physical copies, or even the original artists down, but nothing comes up for them at all. Not even these old urls show up. I'll keep searching though. But right now, I'm super satisfied that I found these pages at all! 

Thanks if you read this far! XD

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