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Category: Books and Stories

reading slump/life stuff

im in a reading slump again and its actually soo annoying. im reading a really good book called the rains by gregg hurwitz and i WANT to read it but everytime i start reading i just cant be bothered and i stop... it's really frustrating because the story is great. i think its probably because i have already read likeee 4 books this month already.... maybe i should take a little break, i think i burnt myself out. my tbr is also so long that i think that stresses me out too, i look at my bookshelf and i get overwhelmed even though i know theres no rush???

another thing, im one season away from the end of criminal minds and i am SO UPSET. who even decided that this show should end??????????????? it's my comfort show and the fact that i will have to find something else to watch afterwards is so annoying (pls give me recs) :)

ALSO, i start working full time in feb at where i work. currently im part time but i recently had an interview for a different contract. going from 18.5 hours to 37 hours is extremely intimidating and im really nervous because i feel like it's going to be really overwhelming. im going to be so tired but its going to be so much more money so i will be able to save up to move out a lot quicker.

ANYWAYS i hope you're all having a great day !!

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dietgoth's profile picture

i bet full time is gonna go great for you. don't sweat it!

i just picked up new books from the library today. i didn't finish my last one :( got frustrated with it and quit (foundation by isaac asimov). but we stay silly :3

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im looking forward to working full time but also i am going to miss having so much free time!!

i hope you manage to find a book that you will enjoy more than your previous one :D

by gia; ; Report

i find being busy makes me value my free time a lot more. but ymmv!

also i started reading the bell jar today and it's really good so far!!

by dietgoth; ; Report