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Category: Life

i was the moon

The sun is alone because of its greatness or just because it can't be accompanied? All our planets must have a voice that carries a lot or idk, he's alone until his end?

I don't know why it's like that but, the sun is still alone but it always shines.. Uranus was once close to the Sun but pushed back and the moon has no shine of its own, it's just a reflection of the sun.

Like what you can be jealous of the sun until you're not anymore yourself, but you're just a reflection of someone else. We still love her reflection, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see it. But are we helping her? She actually probably can't hear us.. or maybe she can??

Uranus tried to be friends with the Sun but was rejected. The sun didn't want her or couldn't keep her close to him? Maybe he was afraid of hurting her.

I see planets as humans, they are like me and like you, rejected, hurt, loved like the moon stays close to the earth. And also want to be the perfection.

We've all looked in the mirror, hoping to be different, to be someone else, and we've all wanted to change. we change so much that sometimes we lose ourselves and stop being ourselves.

At a moment i've changed so much that i lost myself and became like the moon. a reflection of pure beauty... but it was different i was shining less and wasnt looking like her but it's not that the problem. i was dreaming...

I got lost.

but the moon has a different charm from the sun that is immediately noticeable, especially at night. when i think about it, do i have this beauty?

i don't think so. i'm not noticed like men notice the moon, the stars or the sun. i'm noticed more like... a piece of sand among others. a "Men", a "child". but not like a beautiful person.

i was the moon.

 but not for the right reasons.

sry bad english :(


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McErickson's profile picture

This text reached the deepest reflection of my inner moon.

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thank you, that was my goal, it makes me happy ^^
actually i think it's my inner moon who right this blog

by samou; ; Report