So I only dress scene about half of the time I still listen to crunkcore n shit but the other 50% of the time I'm either wearing pajamas or I look like a mix of grunge and indie. Crunkcore isnt the olny kind of music I listen too. I listen to anything from lovejoy, to korn, to dot dot dot curve, to fucking minecraft parodies. Either way I'm getting called an emo lol. But that's not my point.
I think lables are usefull, they give you a community but not all people belong to just on subculture. Like I'm a mix of scene, emo, goth, metal, country even, and reggae music. Why do we have to stick to one lable? I know we don't have but still, it's what's expected. I love being a mix of everything but there is so much drama caused by being into more than one subculture, Why must thoes "elitists" tell use we have to stick to one lable when I can be everything at once? I know there aren't many elitists but there are enough that they are known and spoken about.
Idk if this is more of a question than a rant but wtv. I just want to listen to amy terribly chaotic playlist in peace without someone telling me to name 5 songs from a band or calling me a poser for not dressing a way, listening to only one type of music, or not interacting with people within a subculture, ect.
Also the people bashing on the new generation of people within a subculture are just as bad. (As the elitists) Instead of verbally attaching the new gen why don't you just nicely correct them?
I know concert etiquette is talked about alot but I was recently at a concert. It was indoor and packed. People were fainting left and right and we were trying to pass water to the back. I was in the front right by the stage and there were people behind us hoarding water. Like 5 water bottles between 2 people. When people fainted the band stoped what they were playing to make sure they got help with was amazing but the people in the crowd, at least were I was were not. I had a 13 or 14 girl elbow me in the boob several times.
When me and my friend got separated there was a guy. A grown ass man. Who would not let my friend get to me. She was in the middle of a panic attack and about to faint. When she asked if she could move up one spot to reach me he turned to her, gave her a look, and turned back around. She luckily got help from a stranger. We didn't end up back together before the concert ended. Of course there were people who where very nice and considerate of others. Like I almost passed out a few times and when I had to sit down some girls around me moved out of the way and brought me water. I am still grateful for them.
You would think that with the way people were pushing and shoving I was at a metal concert. No I was at lovejoy, an indie band. Actually I think when I saw the korn x evanescence concert people behaved better there. And they were all drunk and high adults and teenage boys. And I'm a 16 year old 5' girl. When I go to steal concerts I'm usually treated way better. Like when I whe t to see amity affliction a group of adults ushered me all the way to the front gate and made sure I could see. They made sure I had water and when I had to use the bathroom they saved my spot and even got in a verbal fight with a couple who tried to take it.
I feel like people need to a) better educate there selves b) be nicer to new gen and c) just focus on yourself instead of everyone eles around you.
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Zigzag Buster 🇺🇦
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jamie :3
yeah, in my experience lovejoy fans dont go to a lot of other concerts (<- my friend is a lovejoy fan and the ONLY concert she's ever been to is lovejoy) so they dont rly know concert etiquette. but at the same time some things should be obvious so :(
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Yeah as far as I've seen alot of the people at these concerts are younger fans that are new to the concert scene. I agree that there are deff things that are just commen sense but it's like there is no little voice in the back of their heads saying "maybe we shouldn't do ____". It just gets frustrating.
by QuillzzzXD; ; Report
or when every scene you see have a bunch of kandi stuff, all types of converse and all tipes of clothes and acessories with the most colorful hair
but the reality (at least for me) is that the most scene thing i have its my hair, and it's not even colorful its just the natural color :-|
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That's because everyone is trying to look like the scene queens of the 2000s. Which isn't wrong but alot of the scene kids had just normal hair color with the side bangs and wore normal clothes. Scene is about the music. The hair and clothes is just an identifier.
by QuillzzzXD; ; Report
you're right!
and that kind of reality it's kinda hard for me because in my country finding something scene it's REALLY hard (and expensive)
by kromantiya; ; Report
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess your not American. Depending on where you are in America it's really hard to find scene people too. Also It can get pretty expensive here. Sometimes the clothes here aren't even affordable anymore. I would recommend going to second hand shops and thrift stores. I'm really small so I can shop in the kids section which helps. Alot of the kids clothes can be used for a scene outfit!
by QuillzzzXD; ; Report
im from Brazil! :-)
And i was planning to go to some thrift shops, but i moved yesterday and thrift shops are not common in the region i lived
But i moved to a place that has many thrift shops! Im just saving some bucks and waiting until everything is organized
by kromantiya; ; Report
Oh yeah there arnt many thrift shops where I am either, except for a really crazy store woth grandma clothes. I normally drive a hour to a hour and a half to go thrifting.
by QuillzzzXD; ; Report
Oh yeah there arnt many thrift shops where I am either, except for a really crapy store woth grandma clothes. I normally drive a hour to a hour and a half to go thrifting.
by QuillzzzXD; ; Report