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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Why do i find Dr.Masacrik attractive

Nсихоняшки is a russian show protagonized by a psychotic doctor and his antics. His name is Dr. Masacrik,  he is described as a tall, slim, red hair, antenna and  a drawn  look (which makes him hot). He wears a lab coat, a turquoise shirt and tights with a heart pattern, also he canonically wears those one two buckle my shoes.



It's Important to consider that he is insane and based from the book lolita. As dumb teenagers girls we are aware that he is problematic .


It has come to my attention  that redheads seem to do an effect on my psique. His homo-erotic behavior seems to "make me hot". As a  personal experience when i first watched the show, me and my friend couldn't help but scream at his sighting. This phenomenon should be studied, because a healthy and sane person shouldn't be attracted to this. “Psychopathic men have a personality style that makes them appear attractive to women in dating encounters. This may be because they are extra confident or feel at ease or know exactly what to say to get the attention of women,” Brazil told PsyPost. As shown on the three minutes of  the show and a fan made animation, we can conclude that he knows what to say to Mimi/Ushka, manipulating her and making their whole relationship  builded out of fear.

 link to the show in spanish (sorry) психоняшки

collab w: rwarkittyXD

2 Kudos


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