Viktor's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


Hello again strangers, and happy late-ass new year!! 
I haven't been keeping up with spacehey very well starting around Christmas. That's mostly due to travelling out to New York to see my boyfriend!!
It was very fun, first time I got to get drunk with him, and I loved seeing where he grew up. We also went on a very lovely art museum date!
I think my highlight was receiving my very first personal cassette player and mixtape as a gift! Now, it wasn't a Christmas gift it was a very early Birthday gift, but he wanted to be there when I opened it.

Throughout my time in New York, whenever we would stop by a thrift or music store I would end up getting a tape of some kind. Currently (at my house) I have 8 tapes including the mixtape, with 5 more on the way (one of the tapes is a double though, which I intend to send to my boyfriend).Throughout my time in New York, whenever we would stop by a thrift or music store I would end up getting a tape of some kind. Currently (at my house) I have 8 tapes including the mixtape, with 5 more on the way (one of the tapes is a double though, which I intend to send to my boyfriend).
So, in a span of 25 days I managed to amass a collection of an extra 12 TAPES!!! Most of them being one artist, King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard!!
I've known about them for about a year now thanks to my boyfriend Mack, but I hadn't gotten into them until this month. Oh boy did I fall into them hard, I can't help it though!! They're so interesting, and as someone who likes literally any kind of music I feel like I could probably solely listen to them and be satisfied since they explore SO MANY genres!! I genuinely look forward to my future with experiencing the band and it's community.

More recent news, this past month since I've been back has been a lot...Much of my time is currently being taken up by inventory count preparation for the warehouse AND front of house; which is mostly why I haven't felt like posting to spacehey.
I also ended up upgrading my phone from my old Galaxy S21, and finally getting my dream phone! The green zflip 5!! I feel so giddy, like a kid getting their first phone ever. The folding screen is so neat and I'm so scared of it, but I feel so cool flipping it when I'm on the bus; even if no one notices or actually gives a shit.
Yesterday was also an appointment with my doctor, and there's so much going on there. The biggest take away from that was my surgeon was supposed to call me but never did, and I'm starting two new meds
Other then that me and Mack have started looking into the immigration process for me. Which is very exciting, but also very scary and overwhelming. I'm not scared of government processes more so the fact that this means I have to finally get my GED done, my name changed, and gender markers switched; all on top of being careful and thoughtful of my spending to save money.

Anyways, I hope this cold weather isn't keeping you down!! Please look forward to some more random reviews, and maybe, possibly a video!


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Viktor's profile picture

Note: I don't usually call my boyfriend Mack but it feels weird to disclose what I call him, since he doesn't present himself that way here.
I've instead opted to put his name as a link to his profile using his profile name "Mack", since it feels like a separation to a degree.

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Thanks for that : )

Love you!

by ↑Mack↓; ; Report

OMG it sounds like everything was so awesome !!! my bf literally introduced me to king gizzard too and the zflip is sooo cool :33

by nyah <3; ; Report

It took me like a year to actually get into them. Not that I didn't think I'd like them, I was just really hesitant because it's his favourite band and in my mind I didn't to be stealing his thunder or smth ;;

by Viktor; ; Report