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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Just Watched Death Note: My Opinions (SPOILER WARNING)

I overall loved the show and its now a main interest of mine but here's some opinions:

-I hated Light the moment he opened his mouth. YES FROM HIS FIRST MONOLOGUE I HATED HIM and it was because he came off so pretentious and idk the vibes were off. I was right. So right. 

-Misa did deserve better idc yes she's a piece of crap too but Light just treated her so horribly I felt bad. 

-Speaking of which, I do not like how these female characters are written. They're either underutilized or they just kinda...are flat?? I don't know how to explain it but there's a writing difference between them and the male characters. This especially goes for Misa, Naomi, and Kiyomi. HEAVY ON NAOMI Ohba really killed her off just bc she was too smart for the plot. Death Note would've been over for like 20 less episodes if she lived I swear. 

-I don't get the Near slander. He's fine I don't love or hate him. I just don't like how suddenly the Task Force believed like every word he said BUT IF L SAID IT they would've not believed him.

-Matsuda is the best character fight me

-I found the Yotsuba arc incredibly boring. It did have its moments though. I think I might just hate Light in general bc I heard people liked him more with his memory wiped but I just couldn't stand him. I mean he was more tolerable but still. 

-L>>>>>Flop Yagami

-I HATE PEOPLE WHO BLAME MIKAMI FOR LIGHT DYING!! It wasn't just his fault, it's Light's fault that he died. As soon as he killed L (which mind you HE DIDNT EVEN KILL HIM TECHNICALLY that was Rem) his ego went unchecked. He thought he finally did it, he'd get an easier time becoming the god of the New World. The good thing about L and Light's dynamic is that they keep each other in check. They're always ahead of each other which makes the show interesting and a (somewhat) balance. HOWEVER, getting rid of that balance gets rid of Light's ego checkings. He constantly compared Near to L even saying that L would've handled this all better. He gloated, he didn't properly plan everything out. So he got beat in his own way and died in his own game pathetically.

-I also like the L and Light dynamic since I feel like they're two sides of the same coin. It's like "What if you were insanely intelligent? What would you use your smartness for?" L is for good and Light is for evil. They could've been either or had it not been for the plot.

-Mello's fine. He's not my favorite though

-ALSO RIP MATT he had like less than 5 minutes of screen time but he ate it up. His death was the goofiest tho

-Don't get Light fangirls. He looks like 2010 Justin Bieber but Japanese 

-Kiyomi is a bitch and a home wrecker. I don't hate her because I love Misa but it's because she has this superiority complex and she's a hypocrite. Like imagine making fun of your sneaky link's fiancee because she thinks he truly loves her JUST to be killed by him. She acts like she isn't the same as Misa, all because Light held her hand and 'confessed' to her. 

That's it for now :333

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