this will be a blog post updating whenever, of my findings on this site
feel free to look around on your own about the site
the "truth about slayers" pg
its uh interesting read tbh.
sure why not, the military knows about vampires. yea sure. x-files situation here tbh
ofc there's the "how to know if youre a real vampire" pg, which is basically a quiz i already did a bulletin pg abt this, which the answer is ofc im not a vampire fuck man
"Vampire friendly bars and clubs in the United States"
lets go to nyc lol
okay theres like 4 locations, here they are:
so if any1 lives in nyc feel free to visit these bars to find some vampires lol
not sure if theyre all still around...
"vampire cults"
basically a pg warning ppl abt these cults, and basically how they lure ppl in n such. honestly pretty nice pg abt this type of stuff, thx owner
"questions and answers"
self explanatory, the webmaster answering questions by ppl heres some highlights
they have a fucking forum (
which rn i dont have the time to document but it's very interesting
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now personally do i believe in vampires? maybe.
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