I just returned home after my 8-mile walk to and from the photo store to buy a color card for image testing. It really was a fresh breath of air to explore areas near me though more in depth. Seeing a variety of landscapes is really intriguing especially when those light-hued brick walls that were bleached from the sun are contrasted with black electrical lines attached by a large wooden pole that is erected from the ground. Witnessing a business meeting through glass windows while some of the businessmen look back at me wondering why I'm staring right into their space. Telling a tweaker in her Nissan Altima that I was taking a picture of a red box because she got the impression I was taking pictures of her in a 7/11 parking lot. Talking to a friendly guy Nick in the photo store talking about the quality of light and the math involved with calculating how a strobe light works alongside aperture. There was even a park by the city hall where I stretched out while people walked by giving me eyes haha. There was a really cool tree that had some fuzz in its bark which I thought was interesting. Took plenty of pictures too as per usual!!!!

My walk to the photo store
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