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Category: Blogging

Hanging out 16/01/2023

 So I've turned sixteen last year and it hasn't been a long a time since I've started hanging out around the city with friends or people I met through Instagram. It was great, really, I had never been so free from my anxiety in my life, but as the year ended I made some mistakes involving drinking alcohol and having sex with some guys I had brought to my house, which made my parents restrict me a looooot more, my relationships with them got pretty strained on my end of things, and now it seems that no matter how I try to be responsible and chill, it's like they just don't care about that effort and honestly that's pissing me off but also making me really frustrated as to how I should even act from now on.

 Staying at home and not going out with my friends makes me so anxious and depressive, and that's a place and sensations that I fear more than anything after feeling them my whole life. I have stopped hooking up with guys, it's too much trouble, they tend to have no responsibility and at the end I know they will treat me just as "one more girl", gosh some of them are so irresponsible towards using protection or next day pills, just because they won't be the ones having to deal with the side effects for next months. I have a boyfriend now, he cares about me and is more responsible than the guys I've hooked up with, even though he is not that great at opening up or showing affection yet. The only problem is that my there were some problems involving last years issues about me having sex at home with guys at the end of the year, and now my parents don't really want me seeing him anymore, their opinion about him changed way too drastically because of things that weren't even his doing. I have some options on my hands, but I am not really sure about what to do anymore.

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