DINOSAUR INFODUMP NO.2 !!!!!! (reposttt)

reposting bc i kinda want all of my infodumps in a blog i can come back to rather than in a bulletin where it would expire in a week 

☆many theropod dinosaurs such as the t-rex, velociraptor and oviraptor (etc.) has wish bones !! the fact that these dinos has wishbones turns out 2 be one of the main reasons scientists think there is a close link btwn dinos n birds !!

☆the smallest dinosaur that ever lived is the Oculudentavis !! it was just over half an inch long, and researchers think the animal was smaller than the bee hummingbird, the smallest known modern bird. though there is quite a bit of controversy regarding whether it is actually a dinosaur or a reptile or a bird but it existed btwn the between the Late Jurassic and the middle of the Cretaceous periods !!

☆dinosaurs had generally small brains !! most dinosaurs have an EQ similar to those of modern reptiles. herbivores such as the large sauropods, armoured ankylosaurs and stegosaurs are at the lowest end of the scale. 

☆the dinos with the biggest brains are theropod dinosaurs most closely related to modern day birds small and medium-sized carnivorous dromaeosaurids such as velociraptor and troodontids such as troodon.

☆dinosaurs used to shed their skin !! however, unlike modern day reptiles, they only shed their skins in small parts

☆feather dinosaurs from after the middle jurassic period could have dandruff !!

☆some sauropods swallowed rocks to aid in digestion !!

☆some dinosaurs may have had colorful skin, we dont rlly know for sure. most dinosaurs likely had green and brown scales to help them camouflage. 

☆the tyrannosaurus rex ate up to 22 tons of meat a year. it couldn’t chew, so it swallowed its food in large chunks.

☆the fastest dinosaur ever discovered, the Nanotyrannus, could sprint at a speed of 50miles/hr !!

☆all dinos laid eggs !!

☆the dino with the most teeth is the Edmontosaurus, a duck-billed dinosaur or hadrosaur that inhabited north america during the late Cretaceous Period. it had more than a thousand teeth that were diamond shaped !!

☆the Therizinosaurus had the longest claws measuring over 3 feet long !!

☆until recently, apatosaurus (or brontosaurus) appeared in museums with the head of camarasaurus !!

☆current dinosaur fossil “hot spots” include south america (particularly argentina) and china, where several feathered dinosaurs have been found.

☆though the t rex is often made out to have the smallest arms, the canotaurus has the smallest arms out of any known dinosaur !!

☆its speculated that sauropods had stomachs that acted as fermentation chambers. a gas-producing bacteria would be needed to help process their diets, this would cause these creatures, the largest of all dinosaurs, to fart constantly.

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aden 🦖

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if theres any sort of misinformation in here, please lmk !! this is kind of a comprisal of all of what ive learned over the years and what ive researched online and in books, if there is anything incorrect in this, i'd love to be corrected (also maybe provide evidence too ^^")

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