Galatians 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Links to my sites here and the bottom of every post- Most updated at bottom.
Galatians 1 videos-!Aocp2PkNEAGMhE_9lOKof6BzaK_A
.Justification by faith
.Paul’s controversy
.Damascus road
.Abraham’s faith
.The Jerusalem council
.The church at Antioch
.God raised Jesus from the dead
.Grace and Peace
.There is no other gospel
.It’s not about the preacher
.The law cannot justify you
.Father to all who believe
.The dead don’t sin
.The message of the Cross
TEACHING- [Past links- verses below]
I wrote a brief commentary on this book years ago [pasted below] and will do a little background before we get to the chapter.
Paul the apostle was the missionary to the gentiles- we see his ministry told in the book of Acts.
Paul was converted to Christ on the famous Damascus road- spoken about in Acts 9.
His background was a religious teacher of the Old Testament [Pharisee] and excelled above many in this field.
After his conversion he ‘saw’ all the great truths of grace- that were contained in the Old Testament- and was able to unfold them in his letters [most of the New Testament] in a way that the other apostles did not seem to do.
As he preached to the gentiles- he showed them how being justified [saved] was not by the works of the law- but by faith in Jesus.
Some Pharisees who also believed- they came to Paul’s churches and told them that Paul was wrong- that they need to get circumcised- and come under the law- in order to be saved.
Paul disagreed with them- and in Acts chapter 15 we read about the debate.
The leaders at the Jerusalem church held a council- and agreed- that the gentile believers did not have to get circumcised and come under the law- but having faith in Jesus was enough.
Over time- some of the Pharisees who believed- still went behind Paul’s back- and taught the gentile believers that they should get circumcised- and come under the law.
They were called the Judiazers.
This letter [Galatians] was written to these believers- to warn them- that the true gospel was what he had previously taught them- and what they believed at first.
Paul refutes the false teaching that they need to become circumcised- and teaches them if they do go back under the law- they have ‘fallen from grace’.
Ok- chapter 1
Paul reasserts that his calling came from God- and God alone.
That the things that were shown to him about grace- came as a direct revelation from Jesus himself.
That he did not ‘get permission’ from the Jerusalem leaders- or anyone else- but God himself called him for this mission.
He tells the believers that the power is in the gospel message itself.
And if anyone- man- or angel- or even himself- preaches something else [another gospel] that he should be ‘accursed’.
The simple reality that Jesus died- and rose again- is where our justification comes from- it does not come from the law.
Paul recounts his early experience after being converted- and tells them that his message came directly from Christ.
God had opened up to him the knowledge he had as a Pharisees who studied the Old testament- and began to reveal to Paul how the message of grace was there all along.
He just didn’t ‘see it’ until he too believed in Christ.
The message of grace- to Paul- is not simply one truth among many.
But it is the heart of the gospel- we will read later on ‘if there was a law given- that could have given life- then Christ died in vain’.
Strong words indeed- and as we ‘open’ the letter over the next few weeks- we will see why he was so tough on ‘his’ churches.
On today’s video [Gal. 1] I quote from these bible books- below are my past commentaries- teachings on these books. [Focus on chapters 3-5] [focus on chapters 9-10-13-15] [I mentioned doing some videos on a shrimp boat- the same spot where I shot today’s video- I believe those videos are on the James study- plus- I quote from James as well] [focus on chapter 15] [Focus on chapter 15] [chapter 3]
GALATIANS [Here’s a study I did years ago- I will add it to the current videos/posts I will be doing on the book]
(1327) GALATIANS; INTRO- Okay, finally made it, been wanting to teach this letter for a while. Let me overview some church history that I feel would be helpful in understanding the book. During the 16th century Reformation you had an explosion take place within Christianity, though the official ‘schism’ dates back to the year 1054 between the western [Catholic] and eastern [Orthodox] expressions of the church, yet in reality it was the 16th century upheaval that really split the church. A few centuries before [14-15th century] you had rumblings within the church that had well taught Catholic men challenging many of the institutional concepts of the church; men like John Huss, Wycliffe and others. These men were extremely influential and had an effect on the church. Then in the 16th century you had Catholic writers who remained within the Catholic Church, but they too challenged the status quoi. Men like Erasmus of Rotterdam, these intellectuals would call for the idea of going back to the original sources of study [Greek New Testament and also other renaissance ideas] and this too would lead to the historic Reformation. But without a doubt Martin Luther [the Catholic monk out of Wittenberg, Germany] would be the firebrand of the movement. Martin was a well trained Augustinian monk who struggled with the guilt of sin for many years. Not normal guilt, but extreme. A fellow Catholic leader would encourage Luther to trust in the grace of God for his forgiveness. While reading the book of Romans [whose themes relate strongly to Galatians] he would come along the famous passage ‘the just shall live by faith’ and in Luther’s mind this was a total release from the bondage of trying to appease God thru all the religious works that he was going thru. In essence Luther discovered the historic gospel of grace thru the reading of Romans and was set free. Now Luther had no intention of leaving the Catholic Church, but as a very influential teacher/scholar out of the university city in Germany, he had lots of influence. The Catholic church at the time was worldwide and you had differing views of the church in various states. Many saw the state of the church in Rome as having given in to materialism and become too worldly. Rome was at the time trying to raise money for the restoring of the religious buildings at Rome and one of the priests going around selling indulgences was named Tetzel. The abuse of selling these ‘get out of purgatory early’ things was offensive to many Catholics, and Luther had ‘no small stir’ when Tetzel reached his area. These things would lead to the famous nailing of the 95 questions on the door of Catholic academia and would be the beginnings of the historic split. While it would take way too much time to go into all the theological differences between the Protestants and the Catholics, one of the main issues deals with how we as Christians view ‘being saved’. The historic Protestant position is called ‘justification by faith alone’ [Sola Fide] the Catholics counter with ‘the only time ‘faith alone’ is mentioned is in the book of James, where it says a man is not saved/justified by ‘faith alone’. Ouch! The main point I want to make is this letter deals with the early church’s belief that man is accepted with God based on the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. Paul will challenge the ‘Judaisers’ [those who believed you needed to keep the law in order to be saved] and will argue that the law itself [Old Testament books] teaches that men are justified/accepted with God based on believing in the free gift of God thru Christ. Make no mistake about it, the New Testament clearly teaches this doctrine. Catholic and Protestant theologians BOTH agree that man is freely saved by the grace of God in Christ. But at the time of Luther’s day these glorious truths were lost in the morass of religious tradition and works. As we read thru this letter in the next few days, I want all of our readers to see the argument Paul is making from this basic theological view point. Is man saved by works [keeping Gods law] or grace? The bible teaches grace. Now I don’t have the time to also introduce the modern controversy between the ‘new view’ of Paul between Protestants [called new perspective]. There is an ongoing debate over whether or not the historic Reformation view of Paul is correct [men like N.T. Wright and John Piper are hashing it out] and I do think there are some merits to this discussion, but before we can delve into that aspect, we first need to see the historic question of works versus faith, and this letter is one of the best to deal with the issue.
(1328) GALATIANS 1- Mark Twain said ‘the classics are books that everyone loves to praise, but nobody wants to read’. As we begin this study I can’t emphasize enough the need for Christians to read the bible! Many of the current problems in Christianity would be solved if we simply got back to reading the bible in context. Okay, in chapter one Paul defends his authority as being one who was sent by God, not man. He explains how after his conversion he spent years receiving direct revelation from God; he was not taught the gospel of grace by consulting with man. Paul was in a unique situation compared to the other apostles, Paul was the first apostle to have had a strong intellectual background in both Judaism and philosophy; he knew his stuff. This ‘allowed’ God to reveal things to Paul FROM THE SCRIPTURES that revealed Gods grace and the reality of how men are justified by faith and not thru the law. In essence Paul wasn’t out in left field receiving Divine revelations about things that nobody ever heard about. They were new things in the sense that they were hidden in God until the time that God chose to reveal them [Ephesians 3]. Paul rebukes them for forsaking the true gospel and being drawn to another gospel ‘which is not another’. Okay, what’s the true gospel Paul is speaking about? It’s not only the definition given by Paul in 1st Corinthians 15 [the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus] but it includes being justified by faith and not by the law. The Judaisers did believe in Jesus, but they were rejecting justification by faith alone. The false gospel that Paul is refuting is the gospel that said the Gentiles must ‘keep the law in order to be saved’ [see Acts 13 and 15]. In no uncertain terms Paul condemns this message; there was no compromising the reality of Gods free grace given to the elect. The actual faith itself that is deposited in the elect is a divine act of God [Ephesians 2] the unbeliever is dead in sins with no ability to ‘resurrect himself’ and the new birth is Gods sovereign act of raising a person from the dead [spiritually] and giving them faith. This is the gospel of grace. Paul was adamant about rejecting false gospels! In our day there are so many ‘gospels’ going around it’s not funny. I caught a few minutes of a TV evangelist the other day quoting verses from all over the bible in order to entice people to vow money to him; yes he used these words in no uncertain terms. He told the people they must quickly pick up the phone and dedicate the money to him, because it was this act of faith that would release the harvest. Now I don’t know how much longer God is going to allow stuff like this to go on, how much longer networks will continue to air this stuff, but we as believers/preachers need to condemn these false gospels in no uncertain terms. Paul will use strong language when defending the gospel; we need to get back to defending it too. [Some sites see here ]
(1329) GALATIANS 2- Paul recounts his meeting with the apostles at Jerusalem; some feel he is talking
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