THEPORTALNINJA's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Welcome to the future... welcome to... a blog post!

We have to go back.

I don't think I've written a blog post since I was 14 (10 years!). That was way back in the DeviantART days. We don't talk about those.

This is moreso of a test to see how blog posts will look like with my profile layout. I don't really plan on deleting this but I guess I'll use it to open up a bit about myself.

I'm a shut-in internet weirdo just like you. I'm just more subtle about it. For years I've scuttled around the likes of Discord, looking in communities here and there and never really found my click until I suddenly took up the offer of a random in a manga server who was starting a new scanlation group at the time. Oh who knew how deep of a rabbit hole that would take me in life. But as I keep coming back to it, scanlation is and always will be a hobby to me. I'll never be able to make it a lifelong sustainable career as much as I'd like it to be. This means likely I won't be able to do it forever and as extensively as I'd want... but doesn't mean I'll be quitting any time soon. I have series to do and people to please! But there will always be that creeping day that awaits me where I'll be forced to put things down eventually and actually be a functioning adult and go and make money just to keep myself alive. Call me a Debby Downer, but I don't see much out of my life other than entertainment. I don't feel like I have a calling to go save lives, or start a business, or a family. I don't feel like I have any real huge goal because each time I see a glimpse of something like that, reality shoots it down for me in some way. Don't even get me started on how relationships go for me. 

But I don't really like sharing too much about myself. Just enough to get it out the system and I move on and get things done. Most people won't even read this crap anyways, so it's whatever. 

1 Kudos


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