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Doomerwave & Corecore (P1)

To everyone feeling depressed or apathetic,
and everyone thats addicted to sadness.
This is for you.

General facts of Doomerwave

Doomerwave is an internet subculture focusing on urbanism and other global issues from a pessimistic, nihilistic perspective. It dates from the end of the 2010s and its key motifs are decaying places, urbanism, dark filters, devastated war zones and the Doomer Wojak characters. Navy blue, black, purple and grey are the main colours. Values are nihilism, pessimism, loneliness, despair, depression, sadness and pacifism.

A doomer is an individual in their early twenties who feels aimless and alone, and so has a deep despair about life. For the Doomer, life is meaningless and the world is inevitably doomed to destruction by the ignorance, greed and futility of the human race. Consequently, the doomer sees little or no reason to engage in traditional activities and retreats from society into apathetic isolation.

The music of doomerwave can sometimes be described as a micro-genre that combines post-punk with vaporwave and chopped ‚n‘ screwed music. The songs usually consist of sampling post-rock or post-punk by slowing it down in both speed and pitch. Melancholic elements such as record cackling, glitch sound effects and high reverb are added. Most of the songs used have a sad undertone to them or are just plain old sad music. Some of the doomerwave songs are „Panic“ by The Smiths, „1990“ by Soviet Soviet, „After Dark“ by Mr Kitty and „Transgender“ by Crystal Castles.

The origin of doomerwave isn‘t entirely clear, many say it started on 4chan, and others say it started with the YouTube video „Day in the Life of Doomer“ by Blazeaster. Most resources claim it started on the 4chan board /r9k/.

Gen Z gave up

Never-ending school debt, high house prices, doctor‘s appointments you‘ll never get, climate change, war, sexism, gender inequality and more are reasons we‘ve given up. Different generations think that GenZ just wants to take the ‚easy way out‘ by giving up. But these old generations don‘t realise that their generation had new things to explore, optimism and had to work hard to get new things. They had a different relationship with society than GenZ. For the previous generations, hard work was rewarded. GenZ feels cheated and powerless. 

Hard work is no longer rewarded, the contract and connection between society and Gen Z feel broken, and there‘s nothing to do but think about what we could have had. Gen Z doesn‘t choose to be sad, lonely and pessimistic. It‘s not a choice they‘ve made, it‘s just the only thing left for them to make because it‘s easier than life itself. Finally, we have lost the youthful naivety of the past. Of course, not everyone in Gen Z is like this, there are still young people who are working hard for change, who want to stop climate change and save our politics. 

But for the Doomers and many of Gen Z, they have simply given up. There is a sense of hopelessness and a sense that resignation is a rational choice. Gen Z is the generation that feels sad about the choices other generations have made, and they don‘t feel able to change them, they feel powerless.

Lifestyle: Loneliness

Even if you have wonderful relationships, good friends and a great family life, many of you may still feel lonely. Your friends don‘t have time to see you. It‘s not their fault, of course, because that‘s the way life is. Gen Zers feel disconnected from society and other people.

After feeling lonely and disconnected from society for so long, many of them just get into the habit of feeling lonely. They think it is normal to feel lonely. And they don‘t realise that humans are pack animals, driven by the need to be together. They would rather stay at home and connect with people online than go out with others.

They feel homesick for a home they‘ve never had and want to move to a place they don‘t know. Gen Z thinks it is normal and acceptable to be lonely. Many lonely people feel numb, can‘t control their emotions, feel different and question the purpose of their lives, are exhausted and waste their time doing nothing.

Gen Z feels misunderstood and unworthy of life, they are depressed and often spend time with the wrong people. Individuals feel like imposters in the wrong groups of people, or simply that they don‘t belong to the generation we were born into.

General facts of Corecore

Corecore is a digital aesthetic and artistic movement that embodies the sensibilities of the post-2020 era. Emerging from the youth culture of the 2020s, corecore thrives primarily on TikTok, where it artfully assembles a variety of video clips set to emotionally charged music.

Corecore is designed to evoke intense emotions by combining a series of seemingly unrelated video clips from sources as diverse as news footage, social media, films, livestreams and memes. This montage is then layered over music that is typically moody, dark or atmospheric in nature. Some corecore videos also incorporate rap music. The clips are edited at different speeds to create purposefully jarring compositions, sometimes likened to a thoughtful sonic wall. Corecore videos can range from enigmatic meme compilations with upbeat, Dada-style collage art to introspective explorations with clips of cats, Fortnite and more. Common elements in corecore edits include British football clips, Family Guy snippets, Blade Runner 2049 scenes, Jake Gyllenhaal‘s intense moments, and melancholic music, often characterised by soft piano scores or the works of artists such as Aphex Twin. Clips from the film „American Psycho“ have also found their way into Corecore videos.

The themes explored in corecore videos are diverse and wide-ranging. Some videos deal with specific issues, such as women‘s experiences in a sexist world, while others offer broader commentary on the overwhelming, disjointed and oversaturated nature of existence in the modern world. The social commentary embedded in corecore is primarily disseminated and consumed by Generation Z. Young people within this demographic are grappling with issues such as capitalism, greed, depression, social status, climate change and relationships, all of which are frequently addressed in corecore content. In the eyes of some, corecore videos are often characterised by feelings of depression, existential angst and disconnection, and are known for their raw and sometimes crudely edited style.

Notable figures such as Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson and Theo Von have appeared in corecore videos. In addition, corecore features lonely, angry and sometimes violent male protagonists from blockbuster films such as „American Psycho“, „Blade Runner 2049“, „Fight Club“ and „The Joker“. Some of these characters monologue about rejection, particularly by women, while others express anger in their interactions with female partners. The movement has seen variations in ideology, with early corecore videos emphasising fiercely environmentalist, anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist attitudes, earning the label „true“ corecore from some enthusiasts.

The term „corecore“ originated as a hashtag on Tumblr back in 2020. It was initially a tongue-in-cheek reference, born out of frustration with the overabundance of „-core“ categorisations in online subcultures. The rise of corecore coincided with the rise in popularity of digital culture, especially as the world grappled with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Corecore has gained a significant following on TikTok, with millions of views under the hashtag #corecore. It has sparked discussions about whether it represents a new form of art and how it reflects the complexities of contemporary life. The movement has been described as „meta“ and „chaotic“, with a penchant for social commentary. While some see corecore as merely content, many others find it emotionally resonant and deeply meaningful. It captures the essence of an overstimulating digital age, offering a space for personal expression and connection among a generation facing the challenges and disconnections of the modern world.

Nostalgia, Homesickness and Wanderlust

Nostalgia is a widespread human emotion characterized by a deep longing for the past, a desire to revisit familiar experiences, people, and places. It acts as a bridge between our past and present, often invoking positive emotions and cherished memories. Nostalgia can provide a sense of comfort and stability, tethering individuals to their roots and treasured moments, even when they find themselves in unfamiliar environments. Nostalgia often evokes positive feelings, but it can also lead to negative emotions, occasionally referred to as „nostalgic depression.“

In stark contrast to nostalgia, homesickness is a feeling that emerges when individuals are physically separated from their place of origin or a location they consider their home. It is a profound sense of dislocation and a yearning for the familiarity and comfort that „home“ symbolizes. This longing can manifest in various ways, from missing family and friends to longing for the familiar sights and sounds of one‘s hometown. Homesickness is often intertwined with nostalgia, as the desire to return to a past version of life can magnify the pain of being away from one‘s place of origin. Homesickness can be a complex and challenging emotion. While it shares commonalities with nostalgia in its longing for a past that represents comfort and security, homesickness is rooted in the immediate absence of the familiar. This dislocation from one‘s comfort zone can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and loneliness. The yearning to return home can become a central focus, creating a mental and emotional struggle for those experiencing homesickness.

Wanderlust is an innate desire to explore new places, cultures, and experiences. Often coexisting with nostalgia and homesickness, wanderlust represents a desire to embark on new adventures, discover the unknown, and create fresh memories. Wanderlust can also arise as a response to the tensions between nostalgia and homesickness, offering an escape from the emotional turmoil associated with these contrasting emotions. Wanderlust serves as an antidote to the emotional restlessness that homesickness can induce. The desire to explore new horizons and immerse oneself in different cultures can offer a sense of renewal and excitement. For individuals grappling with homesickness, wanderlust can become a driving force that motivates them to step outside their comfort zones, embracing the unfamiliar as a means to navigate the complexities of their emotional landscape.

The relationship between nostalgia, homesickness, and wanderlust is more intricate than it might initially appear. Individuals experiencing nostalgia may yearn for a past that resembles their home, leading to feelings of homesickness when they find themselves in unfamiliar surroundings. Conversely, wanderlust can be a reaction to the discomfort brought on by homesickness, driving people to seek new horizons as a way to escape the emotional turmoil. This interplay demonstrates how these emotions are intertwined and can coexist within an individual‘s psyche.

As individuals navigate the complex terrain of nostalgia, homesickness, and wanderlust, it is crucial to recognize that these emotions can take on different forms and meanings for each person. Understanding the connections between these feelings can provide valuable insights into the human experience and the ways they influence our lives.

Recent studies have shed light on the intricate connection between nostalgia and depression. It has been observed that when people experience nostalgia, they tend to focus on negative memories while excluding positive aspects of the same reminiscences. If a person perceives their past as happier than their present, it can lead to emotional distress and, in some cases, even symptoms of depression. This suggests that nostalgia might contribute to depressive feelings in some individuals.

In a 2020 study, researchers explored nostalgia‘s impact on mental health. Their findings revealed that nostalgia could potentially make people more prone to experiencing depression. Moreover, nostalgia might lead individuals to have negative thoughts following unpleasant experiences, creating a cycle where they think more about the past and, consequently, experience more nostalgia, resulting in a deeper connection between nostalgia and depression and feelings of sadness. The act of reminiscing often involves dwelling on the past, which may lead to a sense of sadness or regret.

Nostalgia has been associated with increased rumination and worry. Rumination refers to the repetitive thinking about negative feelings and their causes and consequences. It has been noted that people experiencing nostalgia may also tend to ruminate more, and these feelings can persist even on the following day after the nostalgic experience. The link between nostalgia and loneliness underscores the complexity of emotional experiences too.

Despite its potential to evoke negative emotions, nostalgia is not devoid of positive functions and benefits. Researchers believe that nostalgia can:

- Improve a person‘s mood.

- Make people feel warmer and more connected.

- Strengthen a person‘s sense of meaning in life.

- Enhance self-continuity, fostering a connection between past and present selves.

- Have social benefits, such as increasing a person‘s tendency to seek help, empathy, and physical closeness.

- Reduce prejudice and promote positive perspectives on romantic relationships.

- Enhance a sense of meaning in life, self-esteem, optimism, and the likelihood of experiencing positive emotions.

Surprisingly, nostalgia can also play a role in helping individuals cope with depression. A 2022 study explored how inducing nostalgia in college students with depression affected their intentions to seek counseling and help for depression. The study found that students who experienced nostalgia, particularly through public service announcements, tended to feel more positive emotions, which made them more inclined to seek help.

The concept of nostalgia has evolved over time. It originally emerged in a medical context, describing a homesickness that afflicted Swiss mercenaries abroad. It was first detailed by Johannes Hofer in his 1688 work, „Dissertatio medica de Nostalgia, oder Heimwehe.“ Today, nostalgia is understood as a wistful reflection on the past, often idealized and glorified. It can encompass historical eras and personal temporal circumstances, leading individuals to long for what they perceive as „better times.“ Nostalgia can serve as a therapeutic tool, offering emotional relief and balance in challenging moments.

Interestingly, nostalgia isn‘t confined to the realm of psychology and social phenomena; it also finds its place in the natural sciences. In fields like Quaternary paleontology and prehistory, there exists a component of nostalgia for the distant past. While predictive sciences like chemistry and molecular biology focus on the future, postdictive sciences often incorporate elements of nostalgia for understanding historical events and epochs. Even in the domain of astronomy, nostalgia has left its mark. The outer main belt asteroid (3162) Nostalgia is named in honor of this intriguing emotion, highlighting its far-reaching influence across various fields.

In summary, nostalgia is a multifaceted emotion that can evoke both positive and negative feelings, including links to depression. While it may have downsides, it also offers numerous benefits and can even serve as a tool for coping with depression. Understanding the complex relationship between nostalgia and emotional well-being is crucial for individuals navigating the intricate landscapes of their past experiences.

Please note that Part 2 will be coming. It will be called "Doomerwave & Corecore: Their Connection (P2)" Thank you for reading and hopefully giving me a comment :)

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Curtis's profile picture

Interesting and well written!

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Heya! Thank you Curtis for reading it! I am working on part 2 which talks more about the connection between Doomerwave and Corecore and their Keyvalues / Keymotives, it will also have a section about wanting to be naive again! I hope youll read it and give me criticism :D

by Chenoa<3; ; Report

MetalHeart ☭

MetalHeart ☭'s profile picture

I love this blog

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Thank you! There will be a part 2 soon! Its almost finished haha :)

by Chenoa<3; ; Report