Finished my first week of work

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY JOB IS SO COOL! Going into it I really didn't think it'd be something I actively enjoyed I just figured it wouldn't make me hate life but it's actually so awesome. It really fills my need for a fast paced and hands-on environment and I also don't need to stress abt people all the time cuz I never have to talk to them for that long. Also drawing blood is like genuinely so much fun it's such a cool little challenge finding a vein and hitting it just right. It is still really hard tho like there's a whole lot of information for me to take in all at once and it's very important information since it's related to health care so I can't just not know it. Also it's so much walking like the hospital is soooooooo large and confusing there's like certain units that you can only access through specific elevators on different sides of the campus and you just have to memorize where everything is but each hallway looks the same cuz it's a fucking hospital. I memorized how to get to the lab tho so I know where the essentials are like the break room, lockers, clock in/out machine thing, etc. It's looking like they're not going to train me to work in the lab and like I wouldn't complain if they did but I'd be kinda glad if they didn't. Medical and scientific tech is not my thing that's a lot of important information that you have to CONFIDENTLY know otherwise you could seriously hurt yourself or others. At least if I'm confused abt a patient's medical state on the units I can ask their nurse. All the walking around is absolutely fucking up my bones tho it's so very painful. I'll probably get used to it eventually. All my coworkers are very nice too, I knew this hospital had a really great community since my mom talks abt how great they are all the time. Having a job again does kinda suck tho I forgot how dysphoria inducing it is. It balances out tho bc it gives me more things to do outside the house! What sucks worse is I can't look cool at work! :/ If I was working outpatient it'd be different but I'm working inpatient and one of the nurses warned me abt the choker I was wearing. She said she's had people grab at her and try to choke her before or try to rip dangle earrings out her ears so she said I should take the choker and the earrings off even tho it's not against dress code. I'm probably not giving up dangle earrings but I'll wear smaller ones cuz the ones I was wearing were huge. I hate studs they always poke me idk how anyone can stand them. Plus you can barely see them, what's the point of decorating my ears with the smallest and least noticeable thing I can find? I'm gonna have to find chokers that aren't a safety hazard or against dress code (I wore a spiked one on my first day they made me take it off lol) cuz like I feel naked without a choker on. I do get what she was saying about the hazard tho cuz it was like a collar with a big silver ring that had the trans flag on it, really easy to grab. It's just that literally all my chokers have spikes or chains on them. I need new ones! Istg I will find a way to remain stylish in my scrubs!!! I've realized I'm very limited on my accessory options in general due to my style. Again, if I was in outpatient it'd be so different. I feel like it's kinda inappropriate to enter a patient's room with accessories that represent blood or death cuz like they could literally be dying. A lot of my shit has bloody patterns and coffins and gravestones with bones on them. Don't wanna worsen the mood. Some people might find it funny and ironic that their phlebotomist has blood earrings and a blood splatter belt but most people aren't happy when I walk in their room lmao. Also a lot of the people I see are old so I'm a bit worried I'm gonna get harassed the second I walk in with any symbols associated with Satanism or Paganism but it's not inappropriate so I'm still gonna do it. I won't be seeing them for any longer than 10 minutes anyway. They'd probably hate quite a few of my shirts if they could see them but we have to constantly wear these huge ugly navy blue lab coats. WHY ARE THEY BLUE. I thought I was gonna look like a cool stereotypical lab tech in a white lab coat like a scientist while I aliquot plasma with my mini pipette. Nah aliquoting sucks they only had us do it in school once but I hate it. But yeah only the doctors get white coats. I know it's so we're all easily identifiable but MY FANTASY! >:(( The only thing that'll make all of this perfect is when I can switch off the training schedule and work my permanent schedule on night shift, I love night shift!

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Aymu's profile picture

Congrats on finishing ur first week!!

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Thank you!! :D

by Lcvesick; ; Report