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Category: Blogging

Week recap :3

Week 2 2024 8-14 Jan

Monday: School still hadn't started yet so i just spent the day at home (I THINK) stalking my friends online and also shit talking with some other friends. I made pancakes for a 13 o'clock breakfast lunch combo which i shared with my sister because i'm a kind soul. Then I just watched TWD (no spoilers i'm only on season 4). Pretty sure I did something else too but i can't think of what!

Tuesday: First day back at school: I woke up at 6 ish like i should because i was so nervous I was gonna sleep til late and miss school. I'm pretty sure i arrived late to school, pretended to work and then went home to watch more of the zombie show! Might've met up with a friend of mine this day, scratch that i defiently did! I also had hot choclate with loads of cream which was awesome but filling.

Wednesday: I woke up tired like a night shift nurse for no other reason than being awake the day prior. This day i was defiently late again not sure by how much i'm not a time lord how should i  remember!? I took a nap between 18-22 then went back to bed at midnight

Thursday: until i woke up at 6. Then i was once again tired and just choose to sleep in. When i slept through the night it didn't feel like i was sleeping nor like i was awake, a friend described it as limbo which i guess is accurate. In school i did nothing, at home i did nothing. Nest day!

Friday: Woke up went to school, left early so I'd have time to pack for the "hike", then leave for said hike. When i say hike i just mean sleeping on the floor of a scout club house that isn't our own. To find out more about this day i recommend checking out my tumblr @charliesgirlblog. It's linked in my profile. This is also the day i found out about SpaceHey and when i made my account. I have a brutally long break on fridays so i spent not only most of that break but also most of my lessons making this profile. I'm witing this after midnight on sunday (so monday) which means I'm still very new but I am working some things out. The only thing still a mystery to me is how to make my whole profile red!

Saturday: Read some, had fun with friends, info dumped about doctor who, dyed my hair and listened to both my britney albums on cd.

Sunday: I had the "interview" for the babysitting job and I'm doing a trail run on saturday. I went to a park in the city with my  grandparents and one of my sisters because they have some christmas lights up right now. I went to my grandparents place for dinner. They made vegitarian lasagna which is also what i had for dinner saturday but they weren't similar so it was fine!

I'm not fixing my spelling mistakes, if my laptop won't do it then neither will i!

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Jelly baby enthusiast

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im also on season 4 rippp :c

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