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Category: Blogging


I think writing a blog is better. idk. 

It's a little bit more permanent than a bulletin.


I once tasted something great, but, somehow, it lacks taste now. It's like an orange juice not tasting like orange anymore. Then, it's just unflavoured liquid.

There's nothing. Well, there's confusion and fear.

I'm afraid. And confused.

People are really weird. I don't understand them. I don't think I ever will.

I don't think I'm myself. Perhaps, I'm nothing too. If I'm nothing, then, I shouldn't be afraid nor confused. Who know? What do I even know? I don't know anything at all. I just know that I don't know.

And, because I don't know, I get scared and I get confused.

It's a weird cycle, really.

They say, take things slowly. But, everything moves so fast. And they leave without me.

They come and go, always changing. But, I feel like I stay the same. 

Maybe, one day, I will know something...

0 Kudos


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