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Category: Life

About Me!

Heyo! I'd like the tell you guys more about myself. I'm a crazy energetic ball of hyper but I also have days where I don't really know what I'm feeling. Hate making this my first blog, but also helps you guys get to know more about me. I have a few disorders that effect me but don't stop me from being me. I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), MPD (Major Depressive Disorder), Excessive Anxiety, and ADHD. Sometimes, they do get the best of me and just have to let the episodes play through, but other times, I have people that help me get through them and everything is fine for a while. I'm currently learning more about them myself and finding ways to control them the best I can. 

One of my favorite things to do when bored and stuck inside is write poetry and songs. They're kind of like a diary or journal that helps me get my emotions or thoughts out while making it fun. Or if I'm feeling creative, I like to draw or even paint them out which usually ends up in a mess if I decide to paint xD. If I can't seem to write them or create them, I go to my piano and play them out. Even if it sounds like a 5 year old banging on the keys, sometimes if you listen closely, you can hear a melody and a song being played. 

Being outdoors when the weather is nice is my safe haven. I look around for a secluded spot to think and write whether it be in the woods, under a bridge, in a tunnel, or wherever isn't super popular. A lot of my writing, again if the weather is nice, is done outside. The fresh air, sounds of nature, and the aura around me help keep my head clear so it's easy to focus on the story I'm writing. 

As of recently, on Dec. 28, 2021 I moved in with my boyfriend and his family and have been enjoying the new scenery and atmosphere. Working on getting ready to get into a cosmetology school for hair; I'm pretty excited to start. Eventually, I want to try getting into voice acting but that's a maybe on my list. Right now I'm working at a truck stop/tourist stop and saving up to get my own vehicle plus more. 

Well, That's all until the next blog. Talk to you guys next time RAWR!!

1 Kudos


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