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Category: Blogging

Hello SpaceHey!

Okay, so, I'm actually really new to SpaceHey! Just found out about it while scrolling on TikTok! (I don't really have much to do on the weekends..) So.. I decided to make an account, get it set up, and see what it's about! Honestly? Slightly nervous, hah.. People are kinda hard for me. Autism defiantly doesn't help either.. 

January 13th, 2024

Okay, so, I just woke up. Haven't done much yet, but I've been having some mental issues lately not delving into that.. but for now, I'm doing pretty good! Popped Pink Floyd into my record player I got for Christmas, and just chilled out! Was going to do a redraw of an old character I made back in 2022, but decided to instead make me something to eat instead. Got some waffles and a cup of coffee! I'm feelin.. okay? It's weird and hard to explain. But eh, I'll be fine!

January 13th, 2024 -5:37 PM-

I know, I know, I already made a post about today, but why not make a second one, huh? Well, sickness is getting to me. Pretty much fell back asleep after writing the first post. I can't lie, body is hurting a little bit too, but I'll be alright! Dogs seem to be doing good, if anything, they are being loud like always.. I think that's a good sign? Anyways, I might actually do that redraw. Here, I'll see if I can attach an image..Test

Reminder: This was made back in early 2021 HAH!

Yep, that's him. Greg. Yep. Greg is his name.. It was made back in early 2021, I think somewhere around march? Funny enough, my birthday is March 12th hah..!

Sunday, January 14th, 2024

So, sadly, fell asleep till around 5AM today.. but hey! It snowed here in Oklahoma!! So had some fun in the snow! Now I'm just chilling out at the house, eating some food, and drinking some juice. Haven't done any art, don't think I will actually.. so there goes the redraw, HAH! But yeah, been a pretty calm, chill, cold day today. 

Monday, January 15th, 2024

Although today is MLK day, I had to finish up some tests to get English done. Good think I'm homeschooled, haha! But yeah, I'm actually feeling a lot better than I was yesterday! Though, I do believe the stress from school is starting to take a toll on me.. But hey! I'm close to done so.. yay!

But yeah, not much has happened today honestly, so with that.. I shall say goodbye!!

Sunday, January 21st, 2024

Sooo.. Not much has happened really. I DID however get the witch queen key so I can play some more dungeons in Destiny 2. Again, not much to really report on, just me being bored :/

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

Long time no see, aye? Anyways, short update. Finished all my highschool classes and gonna walk the stage! Workin on bettering myself and losing weight, haha!

Welp, I'm going to head out now! You all take care, eat something, and remember! You can do anything you put your mind to!

2 Kudos


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