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Category: Friends


So hi, I saw a lot of people doing this so I thought I could try as well, since I do have some boundaries and I wish that people could respect them.

Not everyone knows how to use their brain so here's a few things I don't like and would prefer if you didn't interact.


Racist/homophobic/transphobic ---> (if you hate on anything that isn't remotely wrong, so in this case for example people of other races, trans/gay people, or people who use other pronouns like neos or use xenogenders, you're out)


Nazis/Fascists ---> ( KYS )


Anti-alterhumans (Therians, otherkins etc..) / anti-furries ---> (there is no reason to hate on us at all, also you all look like 12yr olds edgelords who try to look cool, but saying you want to hunt us and shit can actually send you to jail.)


Abelist ---> (I don't think I need to add other words other than, don't use slurs you don't reclaim. I'm fine with people who reclaim them tho, just .. don't use them on others to hurt and spread hate.)


Anti-recovery --> (people get better if you help them by showing them what's wrong, sometimes they might not understand but that doesn't mean anything, everyone needs the opportunity to get better, even in the wrong.)


Anyone who spreads any kind of hate towards a group of people who aren't doing anything wrong ---> (please use your common sense, this is implied to a lot of things, like age regressing, weird kinks and fetishes, different lifestiles, people not in the beauty standards, alternative people that look "cringe" or generically people who look "cringe" etc...)


Over 25 unless close friends / friend of friends ---> (I don't usually find myself comfortable with adults, if you do friend me and you're over 19, please respect boundaries and don't be too sexual with me,,, idc if you do sexual jokes about yourself but yeah, understand limits)

Under 13 --->(YOU SHOULD NOT BE ON THE INTERNET, please if you are under 13, for your safety, don't be online at least, or have a private account for your IRL FRIENDS ONLY.)


(UPDATE) since I'm lazy to add the whole font thingy, snowflakes please don't add me, by this I mean that people who get easily offended, I say slurs, I may sound mean, sooo, if you be-friend me and then get mad at how I act, it's your fault. You got warned. 


Over religious people ---> (it's mostly because of religious trauma, but as long as you don't shove it into my face or try to "covert me" I guess it's fine.. and also if you have morals even tho you're overly religious.)


People who "don't get alterhumans/furries" and do get a small ick from us ---> (honestly as long as you don't straight up hate I'm fine with it, I get it it may be weird.. just shut up about it please, you'll live.)


Basic people ---> (by basic I mean copy-paste npc type of people, they tend to be haters and xenophobic aka fear of the unknown, and I absolutely hate it, but as long as you're chill you're fine.)


Judge music taste ---> (as long as you don't straight up hate a group of people for listening to a kind of music/artist, or call yourself better because you listen to 'better music', it's fine, I sometimes judge music taste too but I do it personally, idc about others and so should you.)








Cry of fear fans/EMH fans


"Cringe" kids


Alternative people


Taxidermist (makers or collectors)


Autistic/neurodivirgent people

That's all! Thanks for reading and hope I can make friends ^^

Tho I may change it and add a few more things because I tend to be forgetful (sorry lol)..

Also meow, have a great day :3

25 Kudos


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