BSD headcanons!

some spoilers for season 5

Mori has a stupid sex ed video he shows the young pm members (its basically "dont hold hands with someone or youll get pregnant and die")

headcanon that kunikida takes atsushi out to dinner once a week and invites him over for a home meal twice a week, just to make sure he eats

dazai loves to bring chuuya back from corruption with gentle touches, just to be appreciative of his sacrifice (the gentle touch in deadppple, grabbing his hand and holding it reassuringly, holding him by the waist, a hug if he can really get ahold of him)

nikolai is a cat person, because he loves how they do everything because they want to (that and he really likes the cheshire cat from AIW)

atsushi still has akutagawas coat from before he died, folded neatly and tucked into a box

cats naturally flock to akutagawa when he goes in public, especially in dark areas. He doesnt pet them, but he doesnt mind when they walk thru his legs

kyouka got kenji a blahaj for his 15th birthday. He doesnt know what to do with it, since hes not a plushie guy but he loves it. (its name is Jam)

Despite being badly lactose intolerant, Chuuya once downed a whole gallon of milk because Dazai insisted that he couldnt. He was out of commission for a day. (15)

Kyouka compares everyone in the ADA (and Akutagawa) to different animals. Kunikida is a hare, atsushi is a cat (not a tiger), Dazai is a fox, kenji is a beaver, yosano is a bunny (like her) and ranpo is a tanuki. Akutagawa is a black lab dog. (Partially because she doesnt like him, but also because of how angry and aggressive he is) 

Chuuya is very particular about his wine, even if he doesnt drink often. (He specifically likes red, and specifically between 7-10 years)

dazai is so used to the motion of tying a noose that sometimes he does it without thinking (if he were playing with string) (something ive done with headphone cord on accident)

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thank youuu also WHATS YOUR PFP LMAOOOO

by Olivier; ; Report

thank youuu also WHATS YOUR PFP LMAOOOO

by Olivier; ; Report