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stuuffffff (exam results + other things)

ughhhh i never mentioned this before here but I'm from Singapore and if you're Singaporean/studying in Singapore you'd know that today (well yesterday i haven't slept so it feels like today) the results for O levels were released and honestly I'm just glad I passed and can go to poly but I guess the one regret i have is not studying harder and just fucking around because i know i could've done way better but oh well it is what it is

I've recently been staying with family in Malaysia and just came back to Singapore to collect my results and fill out the applications but its stressing me out so much I really want to run away right now lollll i don't have many options cause of my score (my fault) so like UGHHHH i'm gonna have to travel to school that's really far away if i can get into the one course I'm interested in that I can realistically get into... I've always only had to travel for like 15 minutes to school so hopefully i can get used to that (and hopefully i can get into this goddamn course) other than that, it's all common engineering courses which is all well and good but engineering is toughhhh so i don't think that I would fare well... but it's still better than the others so I'm just putting it in

On another note staying with family in Malaysia has been so good for my mental health eyedk i think it's their house rules + how my aunt takes care of me that really helped me keep up a routine and like not just rot at home and get in my head about things which is really awesome but coming back was awful because of a variety of things that would be too long to put here but it's just the average hate but love & appreciate my mom and hate myself for not liking her sometimes etcetc... anyways I haven't been coming on here much bc i've been so weird and depressed and just not doing anything so now that i'm doing better i wanna be on here more and meet more people :3

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