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Category: Life

How I failed to blow up my parent's marriage: A True Story

It all started 2 1/2 years ago. My sperm donor is a serial cheater. I literally cannot count how many times he's cheated on my step mom, or how many times he's been caught. She somehow seems to conveniently forget this though :(

About a year and a half ago, my sister informed me that father is once again gallavanting around with some woman. Her stories of how brazen they were being seemed outlandish. My dad might be a notorious cheater, but he's not stupid. I truly believed he was cheating (because when wasn't he) but I didn't believe the extent.

Fast forward about a year and a half, and my xmas gift was going to be to see a concert for a band coming from Denmark. Litty right? Well 3 months later, a few months before the concert, my dad calls me to be like "Hey, do you think I could bring my friend What'sHerName? I think you'd really like her, she's super cool". Keep in mind, I know exactly who he's talking about but he has no clue I know. So I'm like yeah whatever, bring whoever you want to this out of state concert that was supposed to be an us thing *massive eye roll*. Literally not 2 hours later I was invited to family dinner and he called back and was like "Hey don't mention What'sHerName, she's uh... more than a friend". Shameful. (Concert was cancelled because of covid btw)

I debated for about half a year if I was gonna tell my step mom. She obviously didn't know about this other woman, but like. Is it my place to say anything? This is common. Maybe it was one of those "don't tell me and idc" situations. But then comes last Christmas. Everything is going FINE until dear old dad decides he wants to literally get abusive with one of our dogs in front of the whole family??? Like it  made me sick. Then this asshole sends out texts "Sorry I ruined christmas". Smh. 

That night I told my step mom everything. I had so many receipts y'all. Screenshots from both their instas. Text exchanges. Snapchat stories. It was OVER for this man. Mom kicked his ass out of the house. She was gonna divorce him...

Then she didn't. They started going on dates. They are still together and I'm no longer welcome to family functions. I feel so free being away from that toxic situation though. The things my father has done in the past is just gross and I'm glad I am where I am.

I hope y'all enjoyed my trauma story lmao

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abbie's profile picture

I'm so glad you were able to get out of that environment, even if it wasn't on your own accord (though I'm sure it would have been if you'd gotten the chance later on). Family stuff is so hard and the trauma is SO real. I'm sure you know this but family doesn't have to mean blood. If you haven't already just know that you will find your chosen family, they're out there I promise. I'm rooting for you, you got this!

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Thank you

by Scott Oakjaw; ; Report


•Margie•'s profile picture

Wow, literally what a story. I'm sorry for you even if I don't know you just because i can just imagine what everything felt like. It took many nights and days to decide to tell ur step mom knowingly she maybe would not even do nothing about it just because she already forgiven him in the past. But glad you did, that talks a-lot about ur person. I'm sorry for ur stepmom that don't recognize her worth and don't dump his ass. But every mind is a different story. In the end of the day if ur not invited to the family gathering just stay in touch with the want u do care about and ignore what doesn't make u happy, maybe ur better without

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You absolutely nailed it, and you're right. I feel so much happier and free! I did what I could... I can't save everyone, no matter how much I want to.

Btw, I saw your bulletin. I hope everything is okay. If you ever need to vent or talk, feel free to message me. I make an amazing listener.

by Scott Oakjaw; ; Report

I've been better. It's just a tough process, but like everything the pain eventually will go away. And thank you I'm a good listener too, so hit me up whenever.

by •Margie•; ; Report

Time heals all for sure ️ I'm sure you'll make it through. You seem like an incredible woman.

by Scott Oakjaw; ; Report

Lordking Byron

Lordking Byron's profile picture

What the actual fuuuck. Good on you for tryna do the right thing.

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Thank you!~ It was a tough decision but she needed all the facts. Didn't change anything but... I tried. My conscience is clear.

by Scott Oakjaw; ; Report

That’s all you could do.

by Lordking Byron; ; Report


by Scott Oakjaw; ; Report


Sarah♡'s profile picture

I know this type of man all too well. So sorry you had to go through this. Unfortunately I don’t believe this type of narcissistic behavior can be fixed :\

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I fully believe he will never change either. Because he sees nothing wrong, he can do no wrong. I know his type well from a lot of my friends that have dated men and women similar to him. My heart breaks for them.

by Scott Oakjaw; ; Report