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Category: Writing and Poetry

Avergae albanian family

The mom has dyed blonde hair and her roots are dark brown her name is probably evisi or ermira and has a stroller in her hand

The dad has buzz cut and dresses like a Kosovo roadman and has a strong Albanian accent, he wears black skinny jeans and puffy black or blue jacket with no sleeves his name is probably, Elio, Remy, or something else

The son (they ways have a son no matter what) the son wears a white polo shirt Nike shoes, has a buzzcut, black sports leggings Nike. Name is probably elvi, tipi, Evan, and he is slightly chubby 

The daughter is definitely called evis, evisi, ermira, she wears a dress and obviously has dark brown or black hair. 

And the uncle is part bald and greyhair (doesn't bother dyeing it) he goes drink every Saturday and watch football match and screams and the tv when the ball misses the opposite teams port by 1 metre. His name is probably, emiro, remyi, tipi, Spiro, 

They are usually found in a primary (always) 

Whenever you go primark there's a 99% you'll see people like this

In wood green primark UK specifically, this is their habitat

And they are always found in a Costa too. As in Albania there are lots of Costas and they are used to be going there. 

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