Why I think copyright law is nothing but a stupid lie.

(Putting this on movies because idk what to put it on so anyway.)

So, we all know how the Steamboat Willie cartoon is now in the public domain, which basically means now everyone can use that Mickey, that boat, everything about the cartoon. It's awesome actually.

But, did you know that 1998 was SUPPOSED to be the year the cartoon entered the public domain? No, seriously, in what is now populary known as "The Mickey Mouse protection act" or more formaly known as The Copyright Term Expansion Act, which expanded the previously modified (And still a bit over the line) 75 years (Or author lifespan) + 50 years, to an absurd 95 YEARS! And that's not counting the additional 70 YEARS! And the worst part? THEY TOOK EVERYTHING DOWN WITH THEM!!!

Like, for example, songs by The Beatles would've gone in the public domain during this decade, starting in 2019 with "Love Me Do". That would have been the case, but no, in '76 they expanded the copyright law to the previously mentioned 125 total years of copyright (Public Domain 'till 2088). And then it gets worse with the 165 YEARS of copyright (Public Domain 'till 2128.)

What the actual hell? We can't use literally any songs! No Chuck, no Elvis, no Stones, no NOTHING! EVEN THE BIRTHDAY SONG, yes, THE BIRTHDAY SONG! Which means that the recording of your birthday was violating copyright law, so you owe the warner music group money now!

But of course, there IS a function for copyright law. I saw in a video that the copyright system should function like patenting. What I mean is, that instead of feeding greedy corporate entities with this law, it should instead protect small creators from getting ripped off by the corporations. Like, you invent something that can help a lot of people, but what can stop a big company stealing your something and mass produce it and keep all the gains from you. What I'm saying is that copyright should function as protection for small creators, but from how the law is right now, it's the complete opposite.

So copyright is more or less a legal way of extorti0n used by companies to get as much money from individuals and artists. And I fully go against these laws.

And say that something I made called "The New Millennium" has its content put in a video by some random youtuber. I don't go "AADJASDHJASDHJASH WE NEED TO COPYRIGHT STRIKE WAHHHH WAHHH WAHHH!!!"

I go: "That's pretty cool." 

Is it really that hard, Disney?

2 Kudos


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