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Category: Life


diary entry

this morning i went with my mom to bring my dog in for a haircut. it was pretty rainy/windy so i just wanted to stay home

had just one class today in the afternoon and it went ok, again it was only the first class/day so we didn't do much besides introduce ourselves and go over the syllabus

i sat all the way in the back and when we were going around introducing ourselves i had to repeat myself since i was kinda far away ig, and for some reason the people in front of me turned ALLLLL the way around to look at me AND they didn't even do that for anybody else asdkjbngfosefjoieslk i was like damn ok!

when i got home i finally got to have some popcorn so i was happy :] then i took a nap 

after i woke up i cleaned the guinea pig cage with my sister then took a shower

i didn't really feel like today was productive even though when i look back on it, i did a decent amount of stuff (according to my own standards) 

0 Kudos


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